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Raging Pencils by
Mike "Photon" Stanfill
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"The more laws and order are made prominent, the more thieves and robbers
there will be." - Lao Tsu

Story Short: Lawlessness and disorder.
See the image above? The one featuring the
ghoulishly smiling policeman? This is a t-shirt
that the Denver police
force union printed up in commemoration of
the fun they had whuppin'
up on the crowd during
the 2008 Democratic National Convention. Those
weren't criminals they were assaulting. They
were citizens expressing their First
Amendment rights. And
these cops evidently LOVED it.
The goings-on in Denver, and Minneapolis,
didn't surprise anyone as hardly a day goes
by that
we don't
another new
atrocity on youtube
featuring the guardians of the law. But
these aren't just random "bad eggs", these
are institutionalized hoodlum's drunk on
power. It's obvious that
the war
on drugs have given
the police
the freedom to do pretty much whatever they
want to the general public and they relish
the opportunity.
Even more disgusting is how a policeman can
be judge and jury to some kid riding a bike
or a skateboard in
the "wrong place" but will look the other
way when war criminals like Bush and Cheney
thieves like
Ben Bernanke or Henry Paulson appear in public.
But the police long ago swore their allegiance
to the rich and influential and all they
have left to offer the rest of us is a big
can of shut-the-hell-up.
The job a constable has to do is unpleasant
and I wouldn't want to have to do it. For
reason I always I used to respect officers
of the
law, but those days are long gone. The police
state is here.
I would like all American's to consider
how well their retirement portfolio's would
have done had a responsible
president been in office these past eight
years, and then consider how wonderful it
would be to see both Bush and Cheney rotting
in the main square with a pike up their respective
Yes, I know. Two days ago I rambled on about
how much I hate caricature and, damn, if
I don't squeeze out a little nugget of physical
exaggerration. Sue me.

Free Bonus Snark!
The comedy stylings of Sarah Palin, everybody.
Let's give her a big hand!
Bonus Snarkaliciousness
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Drill, baby, drill. Coal, baby, coal. Glow, baby, glow. Burn, baby, burn.