comics every Monday, Wednesday & Friday.
Raging Pencils by
Mike "Soylent Puce" Stanfill
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Free Bonus Snark!
Hey! Guess what? John McCain watched old
Batman programs.
In fact, he owes the writers money for stealing their material.
Bonus Snarkaliciousness
make sense of it all? Tired of porky, bloviating,
oxycontinized talk show hosts?
online as Randi
Rhodes whispers some hot,
steamy wisdom into your ears.
2-5PM CST, Mon-Fri. |
Still hungry for real news and
analysis? Try our selection of progressive nosh:
Dailykos • Crooks
and Liars • Think
Progress • Talking
Points Memo

Cat Bowling. It's exactly what you think it is.
Google Chow.
"Speaking as a lifelong herbivore there's something
I've always wanted to ask you guys... how do you
keep from eating each other?"
It was at that precise instant that Agnes realized
why they dind't get out more often. |