Raging Pencils
The reality-based
web comic, by Mike
New comics every Monday, Wednesday & Friday.
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impossible to be a conspiracy theorist when it comes
to the events of 9-11 because it's not a theory that
four planes went off the radar on September 11, 2001
and not a single one was immediately intercepted by
fighter jets, as law requires. It's a fact. Link
It's not a theory that all of the taped conversations
between air traffic controllers and the four hijacked
jets, an invaluable historical document, were ordered
shortly after 9-11. It's a fact. Link
It's not just a theory that WTC Building 7 was destroyed by a planned
in the midst of an inferno. It's a fact.
It's not just a theory that a pilot trained only to fly Cessna's exhibited
aerial skills comparable to experienced combat pilots when flying a 767
beyond its flight
envelope and into the Pentagon. It's a fact.
It's not just a theory that the Pentagon is protected by ground-to-air
and chose not to use them that day. It's a fact.
It's not just a theory that the U.S. government confiscated dozens
of surveillance tapes from businesses near the Pentagon on September
11th and refuses to let
the public see them. Refuses to let the public see exactly what hit the Pentagon.
It's a fact.
Finally, it's not just a theory that there are people on this Earth
who will
do literally anything to attain power and money.
It's a fact.
Raging Pencils is a massive conceit courtesy

Stanfill, Private Hand
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