Raging Pencils
The bicameral
web comic, by Mike
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Rather than being uncompromisingly cranky as usual I though I'd share the following
with you, a bit of enlightement about how the nation's propaganda machine media
works, as written by Steve Benen of Salon.com. My remarks follow:
In the past two weeks, the following events transpired:
A Department of Justice memo, authored by John Yoo, was released which authorized
torture and presidential lawbreaking.
It was revealed that the Bush administration declared the Fourth Amendment of
the Bill of Rights to be inapplicable to “domestic military operations” within
the U.S.
The U.S. Attorney General appears to have fabricated a key event leading to the
9/11 attacks and made patently false statements about surveillance laws and related
Barack Obama went bowling in Pennsylvania and had a low score.
Here are the number of times, according to NEXIS, that various topics have been
mentioned in the media over the past thirty days:
“ Yoo and torture” - 102
“ Mukasey and 9/11? — 73
“ Yoo and Fourth Amendment” — 16
“ Obama and bowling” — 1,043
“ Obama and Wright” — More than 3,000 (too many to be counted)
“ Obama and patriotism” - 1,607
“ Clinton and Lewinsky” — 1,079
You all understand, don't you, that the memo by John Yoo effectively gave the
Bush administration the virtual, though illegal, powers of a dictator, right?
That's why they've kept it secret all these years. It's also the reason that
Donald Rumsfeld, John Yoo and, if there truly IS justice in this world, Bush
and Cheney will be hauled off to jail by the next administration, for being the
war criminals they are.
PS, I realize this isn't the funniest cartoon in the world. I just wanted the
opportunity to make a pimp out of John Yoo.
Raging Pencils is a massive conceit courtesy

Stanfill, Private Hand
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