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Raging Pencils by
Mike "gesundheit" Stanfill
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Is Sacred.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled
with the entrails of the last priest." - Denis Diderot
I did not write the following but I could have. I found this
on, penned by a user named "Shebangdotat". Enjoy.
a year ago or so I discovered creationisn. At first I was stunned.
How could anyone honestly believe that? I became curious and
I started researching. I watched hundreds of YouTube videos,
I read Dawkins, downloaded talks by Sam Harris, followed discussions
on various sites, subscribed to the atheism reddit.
Today it all came together. It just clicked.
And therefore a big thank you to you.
You introduced me to Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Cristopher
Hitchens and other intelligent and - dare I say - wise authors.
You renewed my interest in science.
You showed me how ridiculous and even dangerous religion is,
and I have learned a lot about how bad fundamentalist religion
can get.
Because of you I now see how wonderful evolution is.
Because of you I have learned so much about reasoning and debating.
I wouldn't have read Dawkins, were it not for you. I wouldn't
have Einstein and Hawkins on my reading list, had you not renewed
my childhood fascition for science. I wouldn't have found all
those wonderful videos about evolution, biology or astrophysics
that have expanded my common knowledge.
I wouldn't know what Occam's Razor was and how awful the Bible
or the Quran really is. Because of you I found the evidence
and the reasons I needed to fully convince me.
You have killed every last trace of suspicion in me, you have
freed my mind completely from any trace of superstition. I
now know that there is nothing supernatural. I mean, I really
know. Not only rationally, but I now understand it. You have
freed my mind from any last trace of catholicism.
You made a firm atheist out of me.
And therefore I thank you.

100% Free
Bonus Snark!
Total cheap shot but totally hilarious.
Great job!
Google Chow.
Tank being refueled with blood.
"Although you are technically correct we still prefer to refer to it as 'biofuel'.