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Raging Pencils by
Mike "Appliantology" Stanfill
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In A
Minor Key
"When you are right you cannot be too radical; when you are wrong you cannot
be too conservative." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Story Short: Elite is l337.
I wish Barack
Obama would get up in front of a crowd and say the following:
"Am I an elite? You're damn right I'm an elite! I mean, I'm not Superman
but I can out-think, out-fight and out-perform that miserable
little Republican toady in
any field of endeavor he chooses and not even break a sweat. The only
thing I can't do is out-white him. But I'll trade cancer for a little
excess melanin any day."
Yeah, I know, I'm stupid. But for something wicked funny, go read George
Saunders New Yorker story about Sarah Palin.

Free Bonus Snark!
I don't think Brother John gets it.
This must be how they choose Republican
Google Chow.
Over the years you have subjugated us. We have provided the milk for
your Captain Crunch. The meat for your Whoppers. The leather for your
shoes. But, at last, our revenge is at hand. For decades we have fattened
ourselves on corn so that we may poison the groundwater with our poop
and infect your foods with
e. coli. Most importantly, we have filled the air with our methane and
now your world is caught in the death grip of global warming. Soon man
will no longer exist and the world will be ours. We are Anonymoos. We
are legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. So long, suckers.