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Raging Pencils by
Mike "Lefty" Stanfill

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Your Scumbag, Part 7
is Dennis J. Manning, CEO of
Guardian Life Insurance Company of America. I don't
know what his salary is but I do know that his
company paid out $723 million dollars in dividends
in2008 on profits
of $437 million, a rise of almost 50% over the
previous year. The company currently has $4.3 billion
in capital reserves.
I mention all this because one of their clients,
a Mr. Ian Pearl (see below) is a victim of muscular
dystrophy and requires a tube down his throat to
breathe. Thanks to a business life insurance policy
taken out from Mr. Manning's company Ian's family
can afford the $1 million each year required for
his care.
it seems that $1 million a year is too much of
a burden for Guardian's investors, and since
they cannot legally cancel Mr. Pearl's policy individually they simply cancelled
the entire line of insurance. No one knows exactly
how many
other policy holders got the shaft but for Mr.
Pearl this is a death sentence.
For all the gory details of this story here.


Raging Pencils salutes the
Mystery Reader of
you are, thanks for
reading my ponderous
little 'toon.
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Night. A desolate farm field. Hick being zapped by
an alien.
Hick: "There's something I alwasy wanted to ask
you fellers.How come your spaceships are always saucer-shaped?"
Alien: "What a coincidence. We've likewise wondered
why your spacecraft all bear a resemblance to a giant
Hick: "Touche', alien. Touche'."