Your Scumbag, Part 8
October 15th, 2009,
Dawn Smith — who
has a brain tumor her insurer has refused to help
treat — traveled from her home in Atlanta,
Georgia to request a meeting with H. Edward
CEO of the health insurance giant CIGNA. (That's
him in the mustache) She has been a victim of a
series of insurance company
abuses, and she wanted to give both Hanway and
leaders in Congress a message. Hanway refused to
meet with Smith, and instead dispatched his Cheif
Medical Officer Jeff Kang to listen to her. Kang
admitted that CIGNA’s complex claims unit
requires serious changes but said his company would
not even review the possibility of paying for her
care until November.
Smith, a premiums-paying customer of CIGNA, was
diagnosed with a type of brain tumor in 2005, then
another one in 2007. Although CIGNA covered her
brain biospy and some medication payments, she
has battled with the insurer for years because
of multiple denials of payment for the specialized
care she needs to cure the tumors. After paying
out-of-pocket for care in one instance, CIGNA nearly
doubled her premiums anyway. In early October,
a CIGNA representative told her that the co-pay
on her anti-epileptic medicine was being hiked
by more than $3,000 a year.
With the assistance of, Smith has launched
a nationwide campaign to not only receive the treatments
she deserves from her insurance company, but to
help reform the entire system and help all Americans
gain quality, affordable healthcare. ThinkProgress
asked Smith what message she has for Congress:
DAWN SMITH: I would encourage them to hear the
stories from their citizens because, you know,
a lot of people talk about the cost [to] children
of our future, our grandchildren. But, there are
grandchildren dying now. There are children dying
now. […] I don’t understand how you
can justify ‘die now, so we can save money
later.’ Because that’s what it is;
that’s what it boils down to.
CIGNA has a long history of denying care for its
own policyholders. One of the most infamous cases
involves Nataline Sarkisyan, a 17-year-old who
died after CIGNA refused to cover her liver transplant.
When Nataline’s mother requested a meeting
with CIGNA officials, employees of CIGNA reportedly
started heckling her from a balcony above the building’s
lobby, with one giving her “the finger.”
Rather than use Smith’s or Sarkisyan’s
premium dollars to pay for life-saving medical
treatments, CIGNA has poured its cash into lobbying
against health reform. Those premium dollars are
also spent on two private luxory jets, sky-high
CEO compensation (Hanway was paid $25.8 million
in 2007 alone), and profits.
UPDATE In an e-mail, Dawn Smith said that
CIGNA's PR officials never explained to her why
the the insurance company had denied her coverage
nine times. They instead showed her "promotional
YouTube videos about other cases they'd successfully
You can see Ms. Smith tell her story here.
(This story was lifted from
I doubt they really mind.)
