Your Scumbag, Part 4
is Angela Braly, CEO of Wellpoint, Inc. In 2008
her compensation package for this insurance company
amounted to almost $10 million dollars.
Her opinion of health insurance is "one size does
not fit all" which is corporate-speak for "If
you're poor, you're screwed."
A recent quote of hers is "‘We will
not sacrifice profitability for membership."
"I've got a private jet and it ain't
paying for itself, Chachi, so ante up, chump, unless
you think you can get a better deal elsewhere.
This just in: A subsidiary of Wellpoint, Inc, Anthem
Health Plans, is suing the entire state of Maine
because they can't make enough profit off of them,
in the face of the worst recession in 80 years.
You can read the whole disgusting story here.
One last semi-related thing: Canada has had universal coverage for its citizens
since 1947. We can, too.

the weekend I found myself sitting in a theatre
in Garland, Texas watching "Zombieland".
The first words out of the mouth of the narrator
was to the effect that this wasn't a shit-hole
but that "Garland, Texas always looks this
Funny. Sure wish I could say that for the rest
of the movie.
My mini-review is that it had its moments, many
of them quite humorous, one of them featuring a
VERY unexpected cameo, but it's basically one long
hunt for a Twinkie accompanied by a fitful stream
of zombie attacks along the way. Lots of things
that go boom and lots of stuff that goes splat.
If that's all you require a movie then you're in
I also
watched "Goldfinger"
for probably the first time in my life this past
weekend. Beloved Girlfriend is mad with lust for
Sean Connery
Big Lots just happened to have the entire collection
of early 007 on sale for $3 apiece, so I sprung
for this title and Dr. No.
I know this is heresy (and I love you, BG)
but the audiences of 1964 must have been very
easily amused as the plot of this thing was punishingly
ludicrous from start to finish.
I'd often heard, from film buffs who supposedly
knew better, that Goldfinger is considered one
of the best screen villains of
time. Really?
who gets caught by Bond cheating at gin rummy?
Oooh, scary. And then he coats his female associate
in gold paint, thus killing her via "skin
suffocation". Whaaaa? To top it off, he's
clearly guilty of the crime but the police don't
seem interested in the
all-too-obvious clues and we never hear
about the murder again. And that's in the first
five minutes.
And then there's the side-splitting spectacle of
thousands of soldiers instantly dropping dead as
a result
a high-altitude
application of the villain's deadly Delta 9 gas.
Meanwhile, Bond himself never seems to escape death
with any degree of actual cleverness. It's more
his enemies just didn't
bother to
shoot him. I suppose they preferred boring
him to death with exposition. It sure worked on
Tell me I'm wrong.