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Raging Pencils by
Mike "Lefty" Stanfill

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me, Thelma.
a Country!
I live in a country where child-rapists who think
they're Jesus are on the loose shooting cops.
I live in a country where the party that sucked
our Treasury dry is now complaining that all
the money is gone and they can't wait to get
their hands on it again.
I live in a country that happily supports genocide
if it means ExxonMobil can make an extra dollar
in profit.
I live in a country where people who smoked something
they grew in their back yard are now in prison
for the rest of their lives.
I live in a country where no citizen wants to
do the dirty work, yet will openly despise
any immigrant who comes here
do the dirty work.
I live in a country whose most important
product is war.
I live in a country where most people govern
their lives with rules from a book they've never
actually read.
So of course I'm going to make sick cartoons like the one
above. I'm an American.
I also live in a country where an astonishing number of children
go hungry every night. So instead of buying that Special
3-D Widescreen Edition BluRay Collector's Box of "She's
the Sheriff" how about instead donating that money
to a local food bank?
Visit Second
Harvest/Feeding America and
they'll tell you how.
And thanks.

Raging Pencils salutes the
Mystery Readers of
you are, thanks for
reading my ghoulish
little 'toon.
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The Family Circus Homicide Advent Calendar, Day Two
Caption: Jeffy found Dad 'neath a spray of vellum.
A t-square lodged in his cerebellum.