I've long suspected
that images on the internet were degrading...
and I don't mean pictures of Sarah Palin
blotting moose-blood stains out of her
silk Neiman Marcus knickers with the
What I mean is that graphics or photos that have been on the
'net for a long period of time start to lose bits of information,
and I discovered proof
of that last night when I went to change the background color
under the home page logo on my web site. This
logo has been online for about 8 years and here's what I saw

See that faint white line?
It's not supposed to be there. The green area under the line
is the new background color which contrasted harshly with
the line.
On my local drive there was no white line so when I re-uploaded
the logo this was the result:

See? No white line. I'm guessing that the continual backing-up
of files on the server is the culprit so there's not much
to do about it except re-upload my images on a regular basis.
BTW, my first web site was on AOL and, thanks to,
I can still find remnants of it from time-to-time and BOY
are the images getting cruddy.
Trust me, you don't want to know.