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Raging Pencils by
Mike "Dreamsicle" Stanfill

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me, fat boy!
3, 2, 1... We Have Bouncing Boobies.
I loves me some Rachel Maddows and some Keith Olbermann but
the world has been a little less vibrant ever since Nova
M imploded,
taking Randi Rhodes with it.
But today
is the day that Randi Rhodes returns to the airwaves, courtesy
of Premier Radio, at approximately 3PM EST. Premier is, oddly
enough, the same company that syndicates Rush Limburger. You
can bet good money her program will never counter-program
I don't know if iTunes will be streaming her show but at
least three stations on which she'll be appearing have streaming
options. They are KTLK-AM/Los
Angeles, KKGN-AM/San
Francisco and KPOJ-AM/Portland.
Yes, those are clickable links.
Let the good times roll.
=mike= |

Confused about single payer health insurance?
Let Ed Schultz
and Dr. Margaret Flowers explain it all to yez.
Extra Deluxe Sartorial Bonus Fabulousness
A fabulous Warren Ellis-y counterpoint
to all those recent
"(fill-in-the-blank) raped my childhood" sentiments.
Raging Pencils salutes the
Mystery Reader of
Swift Current, Saskatchewan!
Whoever you are, thanks for reading my crappy little 'toon.
Still hungry for real news and analysis?
Try our selection of progressive nosh:
Dailykos • Crooks
and Liars • Think
Progress • Talking
Points Memo
Google Chow.
Rush Limbaugh anxiety dream.
Clear Channel big-wig: "Rush, you've lost your
touch, so we've replaced you with someone fatter, deafer,
even less tolerant that yourself. Best of all, he'll
work for oxycontin."