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Raging Pencils by
Mike "Amino!" Stanfill

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Today's mystery web comic is:
there wasn't much compelling fare at the local googol-plexes
this weekend the Beloved Girlfriend and I stayed home and
watched a pair of unexpectedly good movies. One of which
I'll bet you never heard of.
The first one we tackled was Jaws. Yes, the famous shark movie from 1975. Neither
of us had seen it since its initial release and we were both amazed at how enjoyable
it still was. It was startlingly light on special effects but it had fabulous
characters. For me, it was the Anti-Transformers. That's a good thing.
The second flick, the one I really want to talk about, was "The Fall",
directed by Tarsem Singh, directer of "The Cell". It was poetic and
moving and funny and felt for all the world like a reincarnation of the Princess
Bride. Every shot was gorgeous, awe-inspiring, featuring an exotic locale that
had each us wondering where in the world it was and how soon we could get there.
You can see a trailer of the movie here.
I almost hate to tell you this but I was surprised to learn that this film only
made $3 million when it was released in 2008. I can't even begin to imagine why
it languished unless it got completely overshadowed by the Iron Man's and Speed
Racer's and Narnia's and the What Happens in Vegas's that hogged the screens
in early '08.
Be that as it may, if you love romance and great direction and beautiful scenery
and a good story then by all means give this movie a look.
Oddly, what both movies shared was a rigorous birth. Each featured a "making-of" documentary
that exposed all the scars and headaches in making these seemingly effortless
films. All I can say is, better them than me. But kudos to Mr. Spielberg and
Mr. Tarsem for a couple of magical nights sitting in the dark.

Dennis Kucinish kicks corporate ass!
Extra Deluxe Biological Bonus Fabulousness
This is the basic pitch for "It's a
Wonderful Life Extreme".
Or, as Zuzu-D2 says: "Every time a species goes extinct,
an angel
loses his wings."
Raging Pencils salutes the
Mystery Reader of
Moncton, New Brunswick
you are, thanks for
reading my crappy
little 'toon.
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Google Chow.
Houston Chronicle - Jul 10, 2009
Austin, TX. Governor Rick Perry today named a creationist
to head the State Board of Education. In was was viewed
asa further attempt to cement his legacy as a world-class
clueless twit, Mr. Perry also
all Texas clergymen with evolutionary biologists.
Scientist in pulpit: "Fishes and loaves? Talking
snakes? Cockatrices?! Created the universe in seven
days...? Tell you what, until we get this stuff peer-reviewed
what say we start with some basic analysis of
the lac operator-repressor regulation system?"