A Daddy
Every important
birthday that rolls around, and they're all important
these days, I like to plant a
tree. About five years ago I planted an 8-foot pecan
tree in my back
It's now a 12-foot pecan tree and for the very
first time it's brought in a crop of pecans. This is unusual
because for the past five years all this tree has done is drop its
leaves the moment the temperature crept past 90, or what's known as
"sweater weather" here in North Texas.
There's only nine
nuts on the tree, in three groups of three, but I couldn't be a prouder
papa. The picture below shows the actual nuts (You can probably see
the resemblance).

There's a popular site
on the 'net where you can read syndicated comics for free. I'm
not revealing its name for reasons that will soon become clear.
The most attractive feature of the site was that you could
post your comments about the
comics, or just rattle on as users do in such forums.
was one Big-C Conservative comic in particular that I had a
great deal of fun lambasting as the artist's "facts"
came directly from Fox News' talking points.
As such, they were always horrendously, though never amusingly,
One of the other users, lets call him "Teabag", never
actually commented on the strip. All he ever said was "This
world would be a better
place if it weren't for those gol-durn pro-abortion liberals",
or a slight variant thereof.
Day in, day out. Same old crappola.
He only shared such sentiments on this one conservative comic
page, never on any of the other comic pages. That's because
on that
page he was surrounded by a handful of like-minded neanderthals,
happily bleating his hateful little slogans back at him. (Incidentally,
I never saw any of these guys on the Doonesbury page.)
In other words, he was a coward. A bully. A pack animal. He
was happy to share his little one-note screed with other ditto-heads
but he was too chicken to post the same sentiment on
other forums. Lord help him if he ever had to try and explain
his rationale.
So I called Teabag out on it last night. I told him he was
a coward for hiding in this little-visited cartoon backwater
and that if he really meant what he said, if he really wanted
and stop abortion in this country, then he should post
his message on other comic forums around the site.
I clicked
"send" and called it a night.
I woke up this morning to find his account had been deleted.
"Yay", I thought, "the forum managers at xxx.com finally caught
on to his baloney."
Then I discovered my account had been deleted, too.
My own fault, really. What could I expect after lying down
with dogs. (Even though I didn't figuratively lie down. Mostly
I just ran around, peeing on everything.)
I bring this boring little story up for a reason because Teabag
reminds me of those armed guys wandering around outside the
has been visiting lately. They're the same sort of bully/coward,
except instead of shouting "Abortion! Abortion!" they're
shoving their guns in everyone's face. What, after all, is
the point
of weapons at a health debate?
You know who the brave one's are? Cindy Sheehan, who laid beside
a gravel road in scorching summer Texas heat to protest an
unjust war. Nelson
Mandela, Cesar Chevez, that Chinese guy that stood in front
of the tanks, Rosa Parks. Them is some brave sum-bitches.
Can you imagine any of those people appearing with an AK-47? Certainly
not. Because guns are the sign that you've lost the argument
and your only answer is violence.
And violence is not the answer. It's just another problem.