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Raging Pencils by
Mike "Lefty" Stanfill

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me, Mr. Joad!
Bad and Ugly, and the Good.
argue that we don't need a public health care option,
that the free market
will do the best job of keeping Americans healthy.
As a result of calling President Obama "a
racist who hates white people" fifty major
advertisers have recently pulled funding from the
Glenn Beck program and yet it's still on the air.
The free market has decided the fate of that program
but Rupert Murdoch and Fox News doesn't care what
you think... about anything.
a bank president? Need a feel-good story?
Then meet Arthur M. Schack, a Brooklyn-based judge
who makes it his practice to make sure that mortgage
companies actually own the buildings they're foreclosing
Yeah, I know.
So far he's tossed out 46 of 102 foreclosure motions,
a number he claims would be less ssurprising if
other judges actually took time to read the foreclosure
notices before them.
Read the rest of the story here.

"Black Like Me", part 1.
It's wonderful that we don't need movies like this anymore.
Extra Deluxe Make-Believe Bonus Fabulousness
Yes, that's right... it was a movie. A fuckin'
Raging Pencils salutes the
Mystery Reader of
Mimili, South Australia
you are, thanks for
reading my demented
little 'toon.
Still hungry for real news and analysis?
Try our selection of progressive nosh:
Dailykos • Crooks
and Liars • Think
Progress • Talking
Points Memo
Google Chow.
Man in broken-down hummer, eating beans.
TV: "As you all know, cable TV subsidizes Marxist channels
like BET, Univision, Telemundo and MSNBC. That makes
you all socialists. So listen up, pinheads. From now
on you can only watch Fox News if you don't pay your
cable bill. Capiche?"
Caption: That night the friendly men in white coats
took Bill O'Reilly to a very special place.