A Look At This...

recently released secret military documents that
recorded each and every death by U.S. forces
in Iraq. They then fed the data into a Google
map, a small part of the result you see here.
Basically, each little red dot equals one Iraqi
Notice how evenly spaced they are? This isn't the record of a military conflict.
This is cold-blooded, systematic, house-to-house murder.
If you'd like to see this much larger map in greater detail then click
here for the Google map, which also provides details of each death.
Thank you, Wikileaks and thank you, Julian Assange.
To Restore Sanity Comes Home!

I wanted, fervently, to attend the Rally
to Restore Sanity rally this coming 30th of October,
but three days, minimum, away from the office
wasn't in the cards for me.
So I was elated to hear that the rally has metastacized,
in a good way, and is now in almost every state
in the union. In addition, several foreign
sites are hosting their own rally, too.
The nearest rally to me is in Austin, Texas and
currently there are about 3500 RSVPs. (Rumors
that a Dallas rally is in the offing, too) But
the word is spreading and the numbers are growing.
Share this info with a friend or two, won't you?
To find the rally location nearest
go to rallymao.com.
This is good news to a lot of people but, seriously, if you can make the Washington,
D.C. event then please, by all means, go. Tell
'em Lefty sent ya.