For Sanity: Dallas
more reasons than I care to relate Beloved
Girlfriend and I weren't able to make the trip
all the way to Washington for the Rally for Sanity,
nor could we even make it to our state capitol,
Austin, for the remote shindig there. We did
, however, manage to join several hundred
Dallas progressives at a quaint little joint
called Lee Harveys just south of downtown. The
day was beautiful, the crowd was fired up and
the beer was expensive. We had a great time!
I had planned to share a slew of boring photos
of the event but my camera succumbed to a case
alzheimers just about the time we arived. So
let me share with you a picture of yours truly,
looking wretchedly sleep-deprived, with the absurdist
sign I slapped together at the last minute and
to flap in the faces of strangers all

Girlfriend's sign read "Repeal the Bush Syntax
Cuts!". It drew much admiration... either that
or her boobs, I'm never sure.
Anyhoo, tomorrow's the Big Day! Be sure and grab
five friends and somehow finagle them down to
the voting booth. Your democracy will thank you
for it.