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me, Tom.
(Note: I
have little or no control on ad content. Consider it "found
like to run off at the mouth about something important
but, as time
is short, I
shall instead leave you with this:
The Washington Post web site conducted a poll to
find which of seven reader-selected web
comics was the best of the last decade. Over eighteen
The results:
Girl Genius: 14%
Hark! A Vagrant: 14%
Least I Could Do: 14%
Penny Arcade: 14%
Perry Bible Fellowship: 14%
Schlock Mercenary: 14%
xkcd: 14%
I am not making this up.
The lesson: God and politics are one thing but don't
fuck with people's love of their web comics... especially
those who know how to hack online polls.
BTW, it's becoming apparent that some of you have yet to hear about the awesomeness
of Fuck My Life at
Check it out, it's great!
 Raging Pencils salutes the
Mystery Readers of
Gamli Vesturbaer,
you are, thanks for
reading my aerobic
little 'toon.

A blast from the nasty past. The RP
from 6-16-08. 
Can't make sense of the news?
Try our selection of progressive nosh:
Dailykos • Crooks
and Liars • Think
Progress • Talking
Points Memo
Google Chow.
Scene: Disgusted man in hotel bed. Naughty words seeping
out of walls from neighboring rooms.
Democrat room: "YES! YES! OH, GOD! YES!"
Republican room: NO! NO! OH, GOD! NO!
Tea-bagger room: "Okay, this time you be Glenn
Beck and I'll be Grover Norquist."
Caption: Once, at a hotel, I was kept awake
the entire night by what like sounded like Republicans,
Democrats and Tea-baggers all having sex. Fuck my life.