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Girlfriend and I bought a Wii about a year ago. All
we do is play 100-pin
Yeah, I know. We're sad little people.
I mean, I've bought and rented some supposedly good
games... Mad
City, Lego
Star Wars, Super Mario Galaxy... but at the end of
the day we still end up playing
100-pin bowling.
Because it rocks!
You see, unlike most games, which carefully guide
you down a linear path to glory and fame, 100-pin
bowling says "Here. We've totally mutated the physics.
Go see what you can do with them."
So you don't just toss the ball down the middle and
try to get a good score. Uh-uh.
It's much more fun to, say, put a high-velocity
spin on the ball and bounce it off the top of the
side rail, then watch it as it leisurely caroms
off the opposite rail before plowing with measured
into the
heart of the pins like a little round buzz-saw,
taking about forty seconds from start to finish.
managed to knock down as many as 95 pins at a time
this way.
If I
manage a strike with this technique there will be
no living with me.
I have, however, managed a strike bouncing it three
times off the side rails but that seems like kid
now. I've yet to manage a 3000-point game but I've
gotten close on occasion. There's always this one
pin that won't go down. We've dubbed him "Fred, God
of Pins". He vexes me.
And lest you think me crazed let me leave you with
these last two words: Strip Bowling.
Addendum: I just found out they make a Wii
Bowling Ball! Hail, Fred!
 Raging Pencils salutes the
Mystery Readers of
you are, thanks for
reading my frisky
little 'toon.

A blast from the televised past.
The RP from 3-26-08.

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Google Chow.
Caption: The freshman geology class of 1,002,011 AD
Geology Teacher at video screen, pointing out the precambrian,
permian, cretaceous, cenozoic and obamian layers of
geologic strata.
Teacher: "And this is a relatively young layer,
less than a million years old, seemingly comprised
of nothing
but tea bags
and insurance executives."