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me, Roz.
(Note: After
some thought it occurred to me that the three pages
of this story, drawn over the course of a week,
are better served when displayed together as a
single page. So if you think the navigation is
kinda wonky, well, now you know why. =mike=
 Raging Pencils salutes the
Mystery Readers of
British Columbia
you are, thanks for
reading my capacious
little 'toon.

A blast from the symmetric past.
The RP from 4-20-09.

Can't make sense of the news?
Try our selection of progressive nosh:
Dailykos • Crooks
and Liars • Think
Progress • Talking
Points Memo
Google Chow.
What? Someone's here. But who?
Who do you think?
Ah, it's you. It took you long enough. I expected you
two heart attacks ago.
Let's just say that you earned them, okay? So, you
You always knew best. What do I do?
Just take my hand.