I was driving home the other day listening
to All Things Considered and they presented a story about how female war veterans
traumatized by sexual abuse. It was all very sad, but the anecdote that intrigued
me involved a woman vet who had a bumper sticker that read something like "Proud
To Serve My Country". Each time anyone mentioned
the sticker they would ask in which
branch of the service
her husband served, never even guessing that
she might be a veteran.
I know I'd have been guilty of the same mistake so that's why I felt I had to
The New Ride
twenty years ago I walked into an auction at a pawn shop
and walked out with an Austro Daimler (nee Puch) A-D
10-speed, and a Yamaha 12-string guitar. I made the mistake
of loaning
the guitar to my brother as I never saw
it again.
We do not talk of this. It's a brother
The bike, however, has served me
well all these years but it's starting to show its age.
Besides, the A-D is more of a racing bike than a tourer
so I went in search of something a bit more forgiving
on the uneven terrain that haunts my neighborhood
What immediately became clear is that prices for a good-quality
bike these days are a bit steeper than I had anticipated.
I mean like "Yikes!" higher. (Yes, I'm a cheap
little bastard but I am, after all, Self-employed Artist
Man and the pennies require, nay demand, constant pinching.)
after some researching
I bought this:

It's a Schwinn
Midmoor. Comfy, sturdy, relatively lightweight
and, best of all, easy on the budget. It received nothing
but good reviews on Amazon so I bought it there. Free
shipping and no tax, too.
Yeah, sticking it to the man,
I doubt I'll get 20 years out of it but I may not
get 20 more
years out of me, either. It'll be a matter of who rusts
first although it seems I have an uncomfortably large head
PS, I know it seems a bit cheesey to be directing potential buyers to this bike
but I really think it's a bargain.
I hope
you didn't miss the Daily Show's recent high-larious skewering of the Conservative
Obama's alledged mis-steps based on George Bush's catastrophic fuck-ups.
For example, actual Fox News footage has several talking heads (Not including
Karl Rove, who is a talking asshole) proffering the following phrases:
Obama's Katrina
Obama's 9-11
Obama's Enron
Obama's Iraq
Obama's "Mission Accomplished"
Obama's "My Pet Goat"
Obama's "Heckuva job"
Obama's Harriet Miers
They even tossed in a few "Obama's recession" bombs just for good measure.
Niggah, please.
So from now on when you hear such rhetoric from our friends on the Right remember
that they're not really trashing Mr. Obama, they're reminding you of the worst
president in U.S. history... George "Yardstick" Bush.