you know it or not there are actual rules of
the internet. Exactly how many is open
to conjecture as the list is, well, uncertain
since the numbering system doesn't seem to follow
any logical format. However, here are some
of my favorites:
-2. Never argue with the Ninja Unicorn- refer
to rule 14.
14. Do not argue with trolls — it means
that they win.
17. Every win fails eventually.
29. On the internet, all girls are men, and all
kids are undercover FBI agents.
34. There is porn of it, no exceptions.
35. If no porn is found of it, it will be made.
36. There will always be more fucked up shit
than what you just saw.
43. The more beautiful and pure a thing is, the
more satisfying it is to corrupt it.
49. One cat leads to another.
61. Chuck Norris is the exception to Rule #63,
no exceptions or else.
63. There is always a female version of a male
character (and vice versa). No Exceptions.
82. Nobody tells the truth on the Internet.
89. Bruce Lee was an hero to us all.
116. Combo breakers are inevitable. If the combo
is completed successfully, it is gay.
117. Always go out of your way to make newbies
feel uncomfortable.
153. It's funny to pick on people's grammar no
matter how good it is. No exceptions.
170. None of us is as cruel as all of us.
198. If it's not on Google, It does not exist.
No Exceptions.
9020. If you're wondering where rule 9019 went,
refer to rule 404.
8675309. Jenny is not home, she will never be
home. No Exceptions.
That's enough for now but I encourage you to
go read the
entire list of arbitrary 'net rules yourself.
Shameless Plug
I don't do much eBaying these days but here's a special little something I'm
selling for a friend:

It's a Paillard-Bolex H8 8mm movie camera. Absolutely perfect condition. They
started making this model back in the thirties and kept producing it, with improvements,
all the way into the sixties. This is what a camera should look
like. National Geographic loved these babies.
(Adendum: The auction was a huge susccess and helped out
a good friend in need. Thanks to any and all
visitors to this site who might have placed
a bid.)