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a commercial artist so color is always important
to me. With paints, physical pigments, no problem.
With computers, virtual pigments, big problems.
Since the light shines from behind the art
on a monitor it artificially increases the brightness
of the colors, so I had to learn to
interpret what the monitor showed me and what
eventually ended
on paper.
For computer artwork, Sony Trinitrons are primo.
They're not actually the best solution but high-end
color monitors are ludicrously pricey.
So for the past five years it's been me and a
pair of 19" Sonys happily cranking out art on
a regular basis. And then, one day, I noticed
the left monitor looking a little green, and
then the scan began going awry.
So I go to eBay and purchase a low-mileage 23"
Cinema HD Display, possibly the most beautiful
on Cthuhlu's green Earth. At 1900 X 1200 pixels
I now have room to ramble. My desk is now less
cluttered and the LCD throws off but a fraction
of the heat the CRT's did. The cats have discovered
the desk top and have laid delirious claim to
the excess space. Life is good.
Everything on the new screen is deliciously vivid
but it's all suspiciously small. So
whip out
and draw a 4" square box. Then I whip out
a ruler and place it against the screen.
Three inches.
Okay, I don't know about you, and maybe I'm just
weird, but when I draw a 4" box it needs to look
4". Some
revealed I need to switch to the odd resolution
of 1344 X 840, which I did. There's not quite
as much breathing space as before but who cares?
As a web designer I've been aware of this resolution
problem for years, especially when clients ask
me why their new web site looks so small, only
to discover they're using a 17" laptop set
to 21" resolution. Yes, it looks really
bitchin' that way but they've essentially been
at the 'net
the wrong end of a telescope.
If you're curious about how far off your monitor
might be, place a ruler against this 292-pixel
(4 inches) square box and see what you get.

FYI: I get 4 1/8" but that's
close enough.
 Raging Pencils salutes the
Mystery Readers of
you are, thanks for
reading my high-fiber
little 'toon.
Today's mystery web comic is:
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Try our selection of progressive nosh:
Dailykos • Crooks
and Liars • Think
Progress • Talking
Points Memo
Google Chow.
Fred and Darla sitting on a bench before a huge harvest
Fred: You know, Darla, years ago they trained the Hubble
Telescope on a narrow sliver of essentially empty space
for a long period of time, and you know what they found?
Over 3000 previously unknown galaxies. It was... magic.
In a way I was like the Hubble in that I, too, was
on a search, though my scope was restricted to a thin
band of personal experience. And yet one day, like
magic, you resolved before me, emerging out of the
relative darkness like.. like....
Darla: Like three trillion galactic artifacts over
twelve billion years old?
Fred: Well,, that is... uh, I mean...
Darla: Oh, hush. I like you, anyway.