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Have The Power!
you be in favor of nuclear power if the material
used for creating energy wouldn't cause a melt-down?
One that is cheap, plentiful and has a ridiculously
thorium, and America has enough to supply all
of our energy needs for the next 1,000 years. The
main reason we don't have thorium reactors
now is that the U.S. military put all of its
research eggs into uranium/plutonium baskets.
All the better to make great big old nasty
bombs with, you see.
If you're interested in reading more about
this fascinating subject Wired
Magazine offers
a useful, introductory story. I also heartily
recommend an eye-opening youtube
video on
the subject.

Raging Pencils salutes the
Mystery Readers of
Sankt Pölten,
you are, thanks for
reading my delicious
little 'toon.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Today's mystery web comic is:
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Try our selection of progressive nosh:
Dailykos • Crooks
and Liars • Think
Progress • Talking
Points Memo
Today's Google
Perfesser Stanfill's Tip O' The Day!
Are you tired of politicians, war, natural disasters, man-made disasters,
Justin Bieber, religion and your poor excuse of a paycheck?
here's what I do when I need a break... I make my famous Cookie San'Wich!
(1) Buy or bake your favorite cookie
(2) Sandwich a pair of them around some premium ice cream.
(3) Eat immediately. Proceed to spaz out.
That's it! See ya Friday, kids!
Disclaimer: Always wash hands before and after eating Cookie San'Wich.
Always eat Cookie San'Wich from thin side first. Do not expose cookie
san'wich to direct sunlight. Cookie San'Wich should not be used as
a floatation device. If Cookie San'Wich begins to vibrate or smoke
please discontinue use. Use of firearms to eat Cookie San'Wich is not
advised. If swallowed do not induce vomiting... unless you like that
sort of thing. If Cookie San'Wich makes contact with eyes then you're
doing it wrong. If offered Cookie San'Wich as communion simply back
away slowly and contact an adult. Do not eat Cookie San'Wich near downed
power lines. Never use Cookie San'Wich to tease a rabid wolverine.
Long-term enjoyment of Cookie San'Wich may lead to profuse sweating,
vertigo and heart palpitations but, you know, it's so totally worth