These are
a few photo-editorials I created during the run-up to the
2010 mid-term elections. Enjoy!
to Raging Pencils

Believe it or not, registered Democrats far outnumber
registered Republicans in this country. The trick for
either side has always been to find a way to engage their
party's enthusiasm, especially during the mid-terms.
Republicans usually rely on "hot button" issues
like gay marriage to get their brethren into the voting
booth, while Democrats rely on issues like minimum wage
to fire the curiosity of the masses.
If the Republicans take the House they will spend the
next two years investigating every minute detail of the
Democrat side of the House, issuing subpoena after subpoena
with gleeful abandon.
Yes, it'll be 1994 all over again.
The ultimate goal of this new obstructionist tool is
to slow this country's economic recovery, creating the
illusion of a failed presidency. This is not just my
opinion. This is the stated, number one goal of the GOP
and you and your little need for food and shelter can
just be damned.
Or, you can get out there and support your Democratic
candidate and help them get this country moving again.
That's not a hard choice.
One last thing: This election is also about upcoming
redistricting as a result of the 2010 census. I watched
as these conservative bastards stripped Texas of four
Democratic seats back in 2001 and they'll happily do
it to your state if they get a chance.
So vote. Be a part of the future, not the past. |
2000: Butterfly ballots,
2004: Provisional ballots, Ohio.
2010: Citizens United, entire country.
Really getting sick of this shit.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is scheduled to dole out
$75 million dollars between now and November 2nd, expressly
to Republican candidates and expressly for the purpose
of attack ads.
Sure, fine, whatever. That's what Citizens United was
all about, right? Except that way too much of that money
is apparently coming from outside this country, which
makes its use illegal. Karl Rove is one of those responsible
for ladling out the cash. When given the opportunity
to deny the money was from foreign sources he mumbled
something about having to wash his hair.
This will take time to sort out, long after the election
is over. No doubt the ChamCom will eventually be found
guilty, whereupon they'll be fined a few hundred thousand
That'll learn 'em.
In the meantime the damage will have been done. Those
millions of dollars will have poisoned the minds of voters
against Democratic candidates, citizens completely innocent
of the source of the money for these TV commercials and
newspaper ads. The result will be a flock of new Republican
House and Senate members, bought and paid for courtesy
of our friends in Mumbai and Shanghia.
Do you think these new congressman will be at all interested
in fixing this funding hole? Hell, no. And so in 2012
it'll be Katy-bar-the-door, and the only candidates running
will be those on the unabashed take. If you think greedy,
selfish congressman with their hands out now are bad
you ain't seen nothing yet, and unless we stop this abuse
of the sytem now we'll be stuck with it forever.
Seriously. Forever.
Once the yes-men are in place the next thing to go will
be Social Security. Then Medicare. You will then be on
your own in a corporate environment that would like nothing
In isolation there is weakness". It'll probably
even be on the money, someday. A nice little "Screw
you" every time you open your wallet.
But take heart. The Democrats already have several bills
to fight this curruption but they need a cloture-proof
Senate to pass them.
So vote this November, and vote progressive. It might
honestly be your last chance.
Honestly. |
In case this whole "Citizens United" thing
leaves you scratching your little punkin' head in confusion,
here's an example of why it's such an onerous Supreme
Court decision.
A group called "Concerned Taxpayers of America" has
been running attack ads against Democrats in both Oregon
and Maryland. Records show they have $500,000 in the
campaign kitty.
The entire half-million came from exactly two people.
Daniel G. Schuster Inc., an Owings Mills, Md., concrete
firm, gave two donations to the group totaling $300,000
and New York hedge fund executive Robert Mercer gave
the group $200,000.
Now, how much money do you have to spend on campaign
This sort of thing was illegal until this year. And if
the Democrats don't gain control of the Senate then the
buying of elections by the rich is the new norm. |

It seems that the Rand Paul crazies are
currently trying to suppress the recent video featuring Paul
supporters energetically
stomping the head of a helpless woman. They're trying to get
it kicked off of Youtube because it's, you know, "too
If you haven't seen the video or can't find it on Youtube you
can view it here courtesy of |
So pre-judge Clarence Thomas liked a little animal porn?
Who doesn't?
What matters is that it's clear he preyed sexually upon his
female employees. So why didn't these women simply report Thomas
to their boss like any normal person would?
Because Thomas was their boss.
Clarence Thomas is a first-class scumbag. He deserves impeachment
but, most importantly, he never deserved the position on the
High Court in the first place (That goes for Roberts and Alito,
too). The vote to approve him passed by only the very narrowest
of margins, 52-48, the closest Supreme Court vote ever.
Will he be impeached? Not a chance. The only thing the next
Senate will be impeaching, if the Republicans take the Senate,
is President Obama. Why? Who knows, except to show that the
Supreme Court isn't the only Washington building staffed with
scumbags. |

to Raging Pencils