In Gold
a bright side to swearing off meat in one's diet...
you very seldom eat fast food as there
are few chains that offer any sort
of acceptable vegetarian fare. Considering
the dismal nutrition, plus the sometimes questionable
ingredients they use, it's probably just as well.
I determined a long time ago that fast food companies
design their comestibles based on an equation which
nutrition, and low
But you only get to pick two. Guess which two you
get in your sack lunch special?
As smug as I may sound about this I'm not impervious
to junk food's siren call. As you might know I've spent
a lot of time in and around hospitals lately and that
one thing...
food. Tragedy seems to increase the metabolism and
on those long, weary, depressing drives to and from
the hospice I consoled myself with basically the one
fast food item
that I
not only could eat but became almost obsessed with....
Oh. My. Cthuhlu.
After a seeming eternity away from the drive-up window
I happily reestablished my gustatory connection with
this heavenly nosh. It had been quite some time
since I'd snacked on these greasy treats so it was
like reuniting
with an old friend... one
Slathered with catsup and washed down with a chocolate
they helped me maintain what little sanity I had left
at the time. Dairy Queen, she succored me.
The real reason I mentioned this is that I made an
onion ring stop at Sonic one evening and was a bit
alarmed to learn that they're now selling a Portabello mushroom
sandwich. If there was one food item I thought the
fast food giants would be unable to process beyond
recognition it would be mushrooms. I'm not in any hurry
to ingest one of these Texas-toasted treats but at
least it's an option the next time a relative steps
in front of a bus.
And now our "Chart of the Day":

here for a larger version of the chart.
Civilians took the brunt of the damage in Iraq because
that's who our soldiers were sent to kill.
Republican Job Creation Update
going to have a relentless
focus on creating jobs." -
John Boehner, February 10,
The following is #110 in a
list of Republican
job creation activities
since they gained control of
the House in 2011. None, sad
yet to result in one, single
new job.
(110) 11-18-2011: The House
is once again considering the
"Balanced Budget Amendment", which sounds almost reasonable
until you learn it could cost
millions of jobs. Oy vey.
NOTE: As a result of an unexpected wave of enthusiasm
the Republican
Job Creation update now has
its own web site. It will remain
on the RP but
a web site of its own will raise
its visibility on the 'net as
we progress towards the critical
2012 elections. And I thank you
for your support.
Dump Fox News
what manner of lie is Fox News spewing
today? Some nutbag fires a rifle at the White House
and Fox News starts connecting him to the Occupy Movement.
Turns out, he's just a religious
kook. Eat me, Fox.
Click here to help Drop
Fox from your cable system.