Tax Dollars
the latest 4-part GOP plan to be even more
(1) They vote to pass a 2012 budget that raises
the statutory debt by $2.4 trillion dollars.
(Blame the Bush tax cuts, two unpaid for wars,
Medicare Part D and a honkin' big dose of Wall
Street bail-outs. Or check the chart.)

(2) They then propose a bill that increases
the statutory debt limit by $2.4 trillion dollars. So
far so good.
(3) They then vote their own bill down on the
House floor.
(4) They then go on Fox News and bellow that
the bill would have passed if Medicare and
Social Security
cuts had been included in the bill. Yeah, right.
This was what is known as a "symbolic
one meant to afford Republican's sound bites
to wax indignant with on Fox & Friends
to mask their utter failure with the Paul
Ryan's "Screw Medicare" bill up and
until the elections next November.
may seem odd but it occurred to me today that
the oldest thing I own, apart from a modest
collection of family photos, is my high school
yearbook. This
is especially peculiar as I don't maintain
contact with anyone
in it. I
might as well have kept a shoe-horn,
circa 1973, up on the bookshelf.
The second oldest thing I own is a towel. It's
a long story... and a boring one.
These facts are a melancholy reflection of
our consumer-driven society in that we continually
strain to replace the
old with the new, often as rapidly as possible,
erasing our links to our past one-by-one until
we're left with nothing but a wide-screen plasma
TV and a spray of old Playboys slowly decomposing
'tween the bedsprings.
So, fellows codgers, I'd be interested in
knowing what consumer item you've been able
to ward from destruction lo these many decades.
by that I mean items you have purchased with your own hard-earned drachmas
and yet still own. Feel free to add them to
screeds from Libertarians glorifying the miraculous
wisdom of Saint Ron Paul.
10, 2011: "We're going to have a relentless focus on creating jobs." -
John Boehner.
The following is a list of accomplishments
of the GOP, in
chronological order as of 2-10-2011. So far none
have resulted in one new job being created in America.
(1) Attempted curtailing of abortion rights.
(2) Attempted defunding of Planned Parenthood.
(3) Attempted defunding of NPR.
(4) Investigating Muslims.
(5) Declaring English as America's Official Language.
(6) Reaffirming "In God We Trust". Yawn.
(7) Challenging AARP's tax-exempt status.
(8) Approved defunct funding for failed
religious schools.
(9) Attempt to destroy Medicaid.
(10) Attempt to destroy Planned Parenthood
(11) Shutting down the government
(12) Attempt to destroy the EPA.
(13) Attempting to eliminate financial
(14) Passed a House budget that gives $4 trillion in tax cuts to
the rich.
(15) Spend $500,000 to discriminate against gays.
(16) Continued
toadying for the rich.
(17) Pretending the deficit is to blame for slow
job growth.
(18) De-funded SETI.
(19) Tried to kill Chrysler two years ago... which is now going to pay
back all its government loans.
(20) The Judicial
Branch of the GOP, the Supreme Court, votes
5-4 to deny
consumer class-action suits.
(21) Redefining
rape. Yes, redefining rape.
(22) Pushing for spending
caps tied to GDP.
Bad idea.
(23) Claimed credit for dropping oil prices
because they passed
a bill.
(24) Refuse to reduce
oil subsidies.
(25) Stood helplessly and watched as Senator
John Ensign made Bill Clinton look like
a Carmelite nun.
(26) Attempt to retool Rep. Paul Ryan's Medicare-killing
(27) Prevented the raising of the federal
debt limit. Let the catastrophic job loss
(28) Watches Rome
burn with their Wall Street
(29) Filibustered bill to repeal
oil subsidies.
(30) Rejected Goodwin Liu for judge
simply because Mr. Obama nominated him.
(31) Abortion. Abortion. Abortion. As in
(32) Spent five hours debating
NPR, five
minutes debating Afghanistan.
(33) GOP releases their jobs plan. Hilarity
(34) Continue to hold the debt limit hostage
in order to make more money for billionaires.
(35) Brought to the House floor a bill specifically
blaming President Obama's 2012 budget for
the statutory
debt limit by
$2.4 trillion dollars,
a budget the Republican-led Congress earlier
Nope. No job creation here. Seriously. Not
a fucking employment sausage. Move along.
Move along.
I'll keep adding to this list until the Republican
House does something to create jobs. I unhappily
predict this is gonna be one lonnnnng list.
After all, you don't get rid of a sitting president
by helping the economy.
BTw, this list is getting damend lengthy, so
much so that I'm going to give it its own page,
if not its own web site, quite soon. Stay tuned.
what manner of lie is Fox News spewing today? Charles
Krauthammer claims that the 2009 economic stimulus
failed. Sorry,
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Fox from your cable system.