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of the New Hampshire Republican debate last
night the GOP is officially on the attack about
a crappy
job President
Obama has done about, well, jobs.
To be honest there's not exactly two plum jobs
in every pot these days but let's back up a
second and recall
that the previous prez, Pretzel Boy McFlightsuit, shed
8 million jobs on his way out the door, and
that this catastrophe was planned that way.
You see the great bulk of the Bush employment
miracle was in construction, of houses mostly,
driven by the Ponzi scheme Wall Street was
in conjunction the mortgage lenders. When the Fat Cats cashed out beginning
in 2007 it took the jobs with it in a devastating cascade effect on the
economy. In case you've forgotten, here's what that long slide downward
looked like (The red dot indicates the month
Mr. Obama
sworn in)

Currently the banks have tons of money in their vaults but they're loathe to
lend it to the average consumer as that would, you know, help the
economy and, by extension, Mr. Obama's political future.
But that hardly matters as few people have a job they can count on for the next
ten minutes,
much less young couples trying to buy a first
home on a minimum wage salary.
So no construction, no new houses. No
new houses, no filling it with stuff. No one
buying your stuff, no one is hired to sell
it. Enjoy your boiled Adidas.
Mr. Obama is on the right track when he says
a green economy will create jobs but he'll
need the help of Congress to push this vision
forward. But the House is owned by the GOP
and therefore not interested in lowering unemployment.
They have time and again cut off your pocketbook
to spite the President's
face. Then
they'll turn around and say "See! No-Face hates
Democrats are all about jobs and Republicans
are all about profits for their corporate masters.
That is the
difference between the two parties.
The independent voters will be back in 2012
in droves. With any luck the Democrats will
gain a solid majority in both House of Congress
and we can think about a secure future again.
That is, if the weather doesn't kill us all
first. But that's another Rant.
BTW, you can read more about the listing of
presidential job growth here, but
you can also play around with a really nifty,
dynamically programmed chart of additional
economic info
going to have a relentless focus on creating
jobs." -
John Boehner, February 10, 2011.
The following is #40 in a list of accomplishments
by the GOP since they gained control of the House in 2011.
None have yet to result in one, single new job.
(40) 6-15-2011. Attempts to cut billions from needy seniors
and hungry
children in order to raise the defense budget...
For the entire list of GOP futility, click
what manner of lie is Fox News spewing today? Glenn
Beck claims Mr. Obama gave Israel a 30-day
ultimatum to accept 1967 borders.
Click here to help Drop
Fox from your cable system.

What's in Mike's
"Making of a Cyborg" from "Ghost
in the Shell"
Today's amazing mystery comic is:
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Try our selection of progressive nosh:
Dailykos • Crooks
and Liars • Think
Progress • Talking
Points Memo
Google Chow.
Pardon me while I
whip out some
Manly Economics
The following chart
indicates annual
percentage rate of
job growth for each
of the last eleven
u.s. presidents.
Lyndon Johnson (1963-69),
Jimmy Carter (1977-81),
Bill Clinton (1993-2001),
Harry Truman (1945-53),
Richard Nixon (1969-74),
John Kennedy (1961-63),
Ronald Reagan (1981-89),
Gerald Ford (1974-77),
Dwight Eisenhower
(1953-61), 0.87%
George H.W. Bush
(1989-93), 0.59%
George W. Bush (2001-09),
In summation, if
you want to experience
a long, pleasurable
and personally rewarding
period of growth,
get yourself a democratic