Like Buttah!
I stumbled across a youtube video last week in which
a jovial, heavily-bearded chap named Robert Krampf
showed us all how easy it is to make butter.
It was
pure food porn.
So this weekend I made my first batch of home-made
butter. First, I bought a pint of whipping
let it sit out overnight. This, so I'm told,
allows lactic acid to build up in the cream, a necessary
step in breaking down the zillions of little fat globules.
The next morning I poured the cream into a sealed container
and gave it a good, solid shake about once every second.
After about three minutes the butter suddenly separated
from the buttermilk into one fat glob. It was like
After that you pour off the buttermilk and then rinse
the butter until the water runs clear. That's all there
is to it. It was very soft and creamy but it stiffened
up once refrigerated for a while. You can add salt
or herbs at this point for extra fancy butter.
No one really needs to do this as butter is dirt cheap
at the grocery store but it's nice to know how
For your convenience I've embedded Mr. Krampf's video
in the Video Vault, below the fold. If you're interested
in this subject you might want to view one of the many
other butter-making videos on youtube. There's more
than one way to skin a buttery cat.
Another amazing discovery this weekend was "Ziggy's
Gift", an Emmy award-winning animation from 1982.
And, yes, this Christmas-season production starred
About now you're probably questioning my sanity as
Ziggy, the comic strip character and Hallmark Card
mainstay, is about as exciting as unsalted butter.
What I never suspected was that the half-hour program
was directed by Richard Williams, a legend in the animation
biz. You know him best as the director of animation
for "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" but I revere
him for the lesser-known "The
Thief and the Cobbler".
As an added bonus the intro and outro music was created
by the late Harry Nilsson.
If you're a fan of animation
please take a peek.
(and the impetus for today's cartoon) the good folks
at Endangered
Species Condoms are going
to give away over 100,000 extinction-themed condoms
as a way of reminding people that the best
way to save threatened species is to limit the growth
of our own. There are now over 7 billion people on
this planet and that's just too darned many.
So if you'd like to help distribute these little goodies
pop on over to their website and sign up.
Republican Job Creation Update
going to have a relentless focus on creating
jobs." -
John Boehner, February 10, 2011.
The following is #89 in a list of Republican
job creation activities
since they gained control of the House in
2011. None, sad to
yet to result in one, single new job.
(89) 9-26-2011: The GOP is being suspiciously quiet
so I want to take this opportunity to show you just
how badly the Bush administration fucked-over the
American people. Here's a chart of the GNP for this
over the
past 60 years:

See that massive drop in 2008, the only drop in over
60 years? That's the Bush administration shedding jobs
in this country
fist, just so the GOP could have the corporate-owned
media blame Mr. Obama.
As you can see the GNP has recovered and business
in this country is doing fine but they're not hiring
and they're not going to hire until Mr. Obama is gone.
It's not
enough for the Koch's of this
world to reap absurd
profits. They want it all.
NOTE: As a result of an unexpected wave of enthusiasm
the Republican
Job Creation update now has its
own web site. It will remain on the RP but a
web site of its own will raise its visibility
on the 'net as
we progress towards the critical 2012 elections.
And I thank you for your support.
Dump Fox News
what manner of lie is Fox News spewing today? The vicious
little cunts LIED about Troy
Davis' last words. He did not, in other words,
apologize for being a convenient patsy for death cults.
Click here to help Drop
Fox from your cable system.