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Unforgotten, Part Seven: Deus Ex
is the seventh installment in a planned set of ten
Raging Pencils comics, each addressing facets of 9-11
deem sorely underevaluated.
I hope you enjoy the comic but before you go kindly
scroll down to Mike's Video Vault and listen to NYC
firefighters talk about secondary explosions
News Flash: It was revealed today
that the 9-11 hijackers
a base
of operations in Sarasota, Florida. It was in use
right up until George Bush stopped by
Booker Elementary School to read to the children. My, what an odd coincidence.
Sarasota, Florida. Come for the pet goats, stay for the convenient alibis.
Yes, the PNAC. Osama bin Laden never
claimed responsibility for the attack on the WTC, and
the FBI never charged
him with the crime.
New Pearl Harbor. "
WTC power-down.
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth
Think I'm blowing hot air? Then listen to New York
mayor Rudi Giuliani: "We were operating out of (temporary
command center) when we were told that the World Trade
Center was gonna
collapse, and it did collapse before we could get out
of the building."
So someone knew the WTC was going to collapse. Not
"might collapse", "would collapse".
And they were talking directly to the mayor of New
york City. Hmmmm.
As I mentioned before I'm receving
an unsurprising amount of
not-quite-hate mail and commentary from visitors to
this site who think that my point of view concerning
the events of 9-11
is strictly
the birds...
it mildly. I have, for the most part, spared you their
bile because it served no other purpose than to add
a note of shrillness to the volume of lies and distortions
already being foisted on the public.
And so it is to those
persons I say "I know it can be frustrating to
be muzzled but if you
honestly have a different viewpoint
a blog
of your own and populate
it with your thoughts and/or pieces of original artwork.
Build an audience of readers who share your viewpoint
and are happy to click on your ad links. Gain their
trust bit-by-bit over time and eventually enslave them
to your will, building an obedient
army that will march at your command and slaughter
any heretic who would dare raise voice in
protest against your divine word."
Hey, it worked for Rush Limbaugh.
Republican Job Creation Update
going to have a relentless focus on creating
jobs." -
John Boehner, February 10, 2011.
The following is #78 in a list of Republican
job creation activities
since they gained control of the House in 2011.
None, sad to
yet to result in one, single new job.
(78) 9-8-2011: Jon Huntsman, Mitt Romney, and Herman
Cain have
just announced their jobs programs. It's tax cuts
for the rich. Why didn't we think of this before?
NOTE: As a result of an unexpected wave of enthusiasm
for the Republican
Job Creation update now has its
own web site. It will remain on the RP but a web site
of its own will raise its visibility on the 'net as
we progress towards the critical 2012 elections. And
I thank you for your support.
Dump Fox News
what manner of lie is Fox News spewing today?
Fox News considers Hindu's and Buddhist's to be members
of fringe
groups. Must be a slow news day.
Click here to help Drop
Fox from your cable system.

If you enjoy Raging Pencils, might I also recommend:
Mike's Video Vault
Firefighters discuss secondary
explosions in WTC.
Can't make sense of the news? Try our selection
of progressive nosh:
Dailykos • Crooks
and Liars • Think
Progress • Talking
Points Memo
Today's Google
Q: Who would want to destroy the World Trade Towers? And why?
For one, the Project For A New American Century (PNAC) who needed, in their own
words "A New Pearl Harbor" in order to justify the Bush administration's
eventual invasion of Iraq.
Okay, but how could anyone get destructive devices into the World Trade
Hi. I'm Marvin Bush. You might know my brother George. In 2001 I was
on the board of directors for the company that provided security for
the WTC, and my cousin Wirt Walker III was the CEO. Any other questions?
Q: okay, but When could anyone have rigged the buildings? something
like that takes time.
Of particular note, on September 8-9-2001 the South Tower WTC experienced
a power-down, including security cameras. The reason given was that "cabling
in the tower was being upgraded."
Q: Okay, they had the opportunity. But we all know that the buildings
didn’t explode.
they crumbled.
The explosions were largely unnoticeable. the real damage resulted
from the use of weapons-grade nano-thermite which fatally weakened
the building’s metal structure.
Q: Do you have proof of the use of thermite?
Come back tomorrow and find out.