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Monday morning meeting at Acme Handguns.
CEO: "Okay, Johnson, what do you have for me?"
Johnson: "As ordered, we've expedited 100 gross of
our Suicide Specials to Green Bay as we expect demand to
spike for the next week or so."
CEO: "Good man! Now what about Denver? They didn't
do so well this weekend, either."
Johnson: "True, but it's a more fundamentalist demographic.
They're more inclined to take disappointment out on
their kids in that part of the country. But we're floating
some cable ad-balloons featuring Jesus arming
himself for
Apocalypse with our X-1000 Crippler semi-automatic.
Market testing shows we can expect substantial infiltration
in the Caucasian percentile the closer Satan's minions
resemble the Wu-Tang Clan."
CEO: "Tang? The stuff the astronauts drink?"
Johnson: "Tribal music, sir. Speaking of which,
a new sub-category of thug rap is showing signs of
in Philly. The percussion is evidently driven by syncopated
gunshots and so the dance-offs are resulting in increased
rates, especially on the extended breaks. We're funneling
product into regional gun shows to ensure stabilization
of the genre during this critical gestational period."
CEO: Great! what else?"
Johnson: "We also have reports that
gas prices will be spiking along the eastern seaboard
and, combined with heavy construction along the I-95
corridor, we're certain that increased road rage activity
should keep stockholders happy clear through to the
peak Valentine's Day
depression plateau. Accordingly, we're diverting most
of the ad-budget to billboards through Memorial Day,
promoting our web site and accentuating free next-day
shipping for .357 and up. "
CEO: "You're a good man, Johnson. What do you
say we break early for lunch, go downtown and bribe
a congressman or two?"
Johnson: "You're a fun boss, sir."
And now our "Chart of the Day": Gun
deaths per 100,000 Americans by state.

Click here to embiggen.
Republican Job Creation Update
Congress will return to session tomorrow, January 17th.
I don't expect our conservative pals to get much done
that day except, I suppose, to compare pictures of their
Filipino pool boys.
Dump Fox News
News: "Marines
urinating on dead bodies is terribly droll but
not an atrocity."
Click here to help Drop
Fox from your cable system.

(To spare you right-wing nincompoopery all comments are
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Today's Google
When road-rage strikes, we jubilate.
When politicians scape-goat immigrants, we smile.
When teenagers commit drive-bys, we celebrate.
When police slay the innocent, we bask.
When families drink and fight, we revel.
When drug wars erupt, we applaud.
When there's a massacre at a high school, we cheer.
When our armies march off to resource wars, we exult.
We're The U.S. Gun Industry, And We Love The Way You