Place Sucks.
2010 America was 20th in freedom of the press, according
to Reporters
Without Borders. Not too shabby but we
should expect no less than first
place, right?
But in 2011, thanks to the heavy hand of our pals in
the oligarchy, scared out
of their
imported Peruvian virgin wool britches
by Occupy
the freedom
index in this country has plummeted to 47th. That will
happen when you begin arresting journalists.
it's going to get any better in 2012? Not when 300
protesters were arrested in Oakland this weekend. Not
a promising start.
This weekend Beloved Girlfriend and I fluffed up some
pillows, grabbed the cats, plopped our butts in front
of the tube, and watched "Tucker & Dale
vs. Evil". We thought the trailer was funny and
it was on Netflix so, we thought, what the heck.
It was occasionally
innovative but mostly it was just one
long parody of
the teen-slasher
genre. If you're a learned fan that sort of thing you
might enjoy the film.
me, snoozeville.
We also watched "50/50". I was led to believe
it was a dark comedy about cancer as focused through
the lens of contemporary funnymen, but I was disappointed
again as it was mostly over-pasteurized frat-boy hi-jinks.
Real movie-of-the-week stuff
with one very minor and gratuitous sex scene thrown
in, evidently to garner a street-cred R rating. Frankly,
I've seen more scandalous sex scenes in episodes of
This Old House.
Bonus points for Matt Frewer cameo, though.
And now our Chart of the Day:
Freedom of the Press Index, 2011-2012.

is the short version. Click here to see the whole list.
Republican Job Creation Update
1-30-2012: On
Friday, the 27th, the House was in session for a whole
four minutes. Aaaaand, the House is basically
in recess until the 1st of February.
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