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Today's Google
How to Spot the Secret Atheist Handshake.
Step One: Each suspected miscreant will reach out a
hand to the other, radiating waves of coruscating malice.
Special nerve-endings in their fingertips, sensitive
to human misery, alert them to the presence of another
disciple of the Dark One.
Step Two: They will grip hands palm-to-palm, jolting
each other with their noxious electric fury, both struggling
for mastery of his counterpart's soul. As an option
they may also discretely share recipes for the flesh
of the unborn.
Step Three: As waves of corruption course through their
arms their hands will involuntarily shake upwards and
downwards several times. What appears to be friendly
smiles on their faces are actually grimaces of searing
pain. Do not be fooled.
Step Four: After silently chanting "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh
Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn" they will then
release their grips and rejoin the hunt for fellow
acolytes of the Despised.
If you witness such behavior
contact your clergy immediately.