Shut Up and Eat.
genesis of this cartoon stems from a vote in California
last week. The state was trying to become the first
in the nation to require the labeling of genetically
modified foods. In case you're wondering, sixty countries
around the world already require such labeling.
Six weeks before the election polling showed that 65
percent of Californians approved of the measure, but
a consortium of agribusinesses, with Monsanto
leading the way, rolled
up their sleeves
dumped $46 million dollars worth of misleading ads
on the public airwaves. At least $15 million dollars
was raised from the likes
of PepsiCo, Kraft, Safeway, Coca-Cola, General Mills,
Con-Agra, Kellogg's, Smuckers, Unilever (which includes
Ben & Jerry's.... sob!), and Dean Foods.
As a result, the measure failed.
Personally, I don't understand how such a thing has
to even come to a vote. If someone's poisoning the
ask for a show of hands before you start kicking some
patootie. Consumers deserve at least the option of
knowing what they're eating.
You can privately boycott these brands but
if you'd
like to be part of an organized protest allow me to
a petition organized by the Organic Consumers
Even 11-year-olds know GMOs suck:
Uncle Lefty's Saturnalian Shopping Tips
Looking for something special for
that special someone this holiday season? Well Uncle
Lefty's here to help. I've scoured Amazon
for the most absurdly expensive gifts they offer
and here's today's impractical discovery.
Defy Xtreme Tourbillon Men's Automatic Watch
Why should any watch cost $112,000
dollars (marked down from $205,000, mind you) like
this one? It's boggles the mind,
so for the first time in this series of overly-opulent
gifts I'm going to flat-out say "Don't Buy
This Watch!"
the reviews, though.) Save your money for a mink-lined
sink or an elevator for
your fleet of atomic submarines or something even vaguley
more useful.
