states can't, for all practical purposes, secede from
the Union and the federal government already wields
our daily
lives, as the war on drugs and terrorism issues
have clearly proven, I'm wondering why we even need
states and, therefore, the electoral college? Why not
our country
by congressional districts and choose our presidents
State lines are, apart from major rivers or stands
of coastline, purely aritificial anyway. At least with
congressional districting we're grouping citizens
by population. Ideally, that is.
While I'm being silly, why don't adjoining states ever
merge their borders and become one super state? Louisiana,
Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia could merge to form
one giant Gulf Redneckopolis. Utah, Colorado, New
Mexico, and Arizona could meld and become the Big Square
State. Texas
would never join with anyone because, you know, assholes.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
The world's most infamous turkey drop.
Uncle Lefty's Saturnalian Shopping Tips
I just checked the calendar and it's now approximately
34 days until Xmas Eve, when REAL manly shopping
begins, usually
at the
local 7-11. But not everyone will be delighted with
a carton of smokes and a fistfull of scratch-offs so
consider defying tradition and purchase a box o' goodies
that will make you a legend. Perhaps even take
out an eye. For instance.
Grappling Hook
Shut up and take my money! Shut
up and take my money! Shut up and take my money! Shut
up and take my money! Shut up and take my money! Shut
up and take my money! Shut up and take my money! Shut
up and take my money! Shut up and take my money!

Republican Job Creation Update
those interested in such things (That's YOU!), I've updated
the (non)Job Creation website to prepare it for the coming
four years
of conservative
indolence. For
the full list of Republican sloth please visit