You See 'em...
Voters For President 1992-2012
(Click here for larger version)

I'd read that the voter turn-out for
president this year dropped significantly, and since
I knew that every Republican-led state legislature
had been passing some
of voter suppression I decided
to chart the last six elections
for my own
See anything
In '92 104 million people voted for president (Ross
Perot garnered an additional 20 million votes.) In
'96 the total vote dropped to ninety-four million
as Perot only received eight million
votes. There's our baseline.
In 2000, what I considered
a hotly-contested election, the number of new voters
rose by a respectable seven million.
But suddenly, in 2004, twenty million new voters
came out of almost nowhere to give George "Miserable
Bush the victory. For this to be possible you'd have
to believe that every Baby Boomer
didn't vote until they were forty-five and then two-thirds
suddenly all voted Republican. This couldn't have anything
to do with that first wave of computerized voting machines,
could it?
President Obama's massive win in 2008 was clearly driven
by a wave of new and enthusiastic minority voters but,
factoring in population growth, it appears that as
many as twelve million voters went missing in 2012.
This was not a matter of voter apathy as both parties
worked tirelessly to drive all the registered voters
they could to the ballot box, yet still the numbers
dropped off a cliff. Something went seriously, ominously
wrong in 2012.
Nate Silver, where ARE you?
(In case you're curious here's a chart of U.S. population

The holy days are upon us so you need
to start your online shopping now. I said NOW, pilgrim!
And I'm here to help. Since people
are really only interested in the price of gifts these
days I thought I'd look for the most expensive items
I could
find on amazon and share them with you. Enjoy!
Generac Commercial Series Liquid-Cooled Standby Generator
While not near as exciting as Herman
Cain getting as root canal this propane-propelled baby
will pump out 150 kW of domesticated lightning
at your
of extra juice to
your disco ball and/or your toaster oven in the event
of a
in your 'hood. Performs a Whisper-Soft self-test
once a week so it won't disturb your alcohol-driven
fever dreams.
Only $28,938, but all sales are final so be sure and
get a color that matches the drapes.
