the Edge
dreaded "fiscal cliff" is looming (there's that word
again) but it's not really as bad as you think. There's plenty
of money
to fund the gummint but we just have to know where and how to
get it. For the full story, go read the Mother Jones article
titled "10
Ways to Avoid the Fiscal Cliff."
Why are we even worrying about the fiscal cliff or the debt ceiling
fight? As Paul Krugman puts it "Because
the Republican Party is out of ideas."
Another way to save big tax dollars is to cut back on military
spending. Case in point:
We have 1000 active generals in our military, but I'm told we
only need about 300. Each general gets a staff that costs over
a year. Do the math. That's one billion just on staff
for our generals. This doesn't count the private jets, the military
chefs, or their fat salaries/pensions.
Oh, and the Pentagon also runs over 230 golf courses around the
globe, some in some pretty exotic locales. We have no idea how
much the golf courses cost but the Pentagon opened a
ski lodge in the Bavarian Alps in 2004. That little baby cost
$80 million bucks.
For more eye-popping eye-openers on the subject go read Salon.com's
article "7
Absurd Ways the Military Wastes Taxpayer Dollars."
And on a different monetary note, Matt Taibbi spells out, in
reaction to the HSBC verdict, how
the drug war has officially become a joke.
day in this country young adults are forced
into the streets with
no place
to go
and little
to eat. Luckily for them there's places like Covenant
House. It
not only meets the immediate needs of homeless kids
also helps guide them to a self-sufficient future.
So if
you have a few bucks left over after buying Aunt Thelma
that new snood please consider making a small holiday
donation to this worthy organization.
Cousin Lefty's Saturnalian Shopping Tips
Looking for that special example
of commercial excess to impress jaded kin
on your
Xmas list? Well, howzabout
one of these?
This is a saddle designed specifically
for humans to give their offspring the perfect
It is
also the perfect murder weapon if you happen
seek vengeance on
young children. Because once a child gets
a taste of this device they'll never allow their
to stop
playing horsey until their hearts go FOOM from
just "one more ride".
Just one. More. Ride.
Republican Job Creation Update
12-12-12: The
House passed the Eliminate Privacy Notice Confusion Act
(H.R. 5817), failed to pass the Asthma Inhalers Relief
Act of 2012 (H.R. 6190), passed the No-Hassle Flying Act
of 2012 (S. 3542), passed the DART Act (S. 1998), passed
the Frank Buckles World War I Memorial Act (H.R. 6364),
passed a bill that "Designated the ranking of a certain
named Member of a certain standing committee of the House
of Representatives" (H. Res.830). No jobs were created.
12-13-12: THe speaker of the House appointed conferees
to oversee the nit-picking of Senate-passed bills.
No jobs were created.
For the full list of Republican
sloth please visit republicanjobcreation.com.
Chart of the Day: Toy
sales vs. Lego sales.
