It's Brown, Quaff It Down.
winter I wait with gleeful anticipation for the time
when the temperature
drops into the single digits for extended periods
of time. I long for days of brass monkey-shriveling
accompanied by the kind of inclement weather that requires
teams of mutant Mongolian sled dogs to deliver my
goat cheese and sun-dried tomato pizza.
Because that's
when I break out the hot chocolate. OMChtuhlu, THAT
is how I measure my happiness. Is there anything better
a cold day than a mug of
hot Hershey's? (Except,
perhaps, Morena Baccarin in an undersized Snuggie playing
Twister over your entire body.)
This winter, though, I managed exactly two cups of
hot chocolate. Two freakin' cups. I don't care what
the climate change deniers
say, this is a serious indication it may be time for
the Koch brothers to start playing human centipede
with Al Gore's adumbrate keister.
of Earthly Delights, this is what's left of the box
of hand-made truffles Beloved Girlfriend made
for me with her own three little hands for Valentine's
for larger picture)
I wuv my BG, who understands that my earlier salacious
reference about Morena Baccarin was purely in jest.
Right? Right?
Note 1: "The Ten,
Make That Nine,
Habits of Very Organized People. Make that Ten.
the tweets of Steve Martin." I
mention this book only because it was fun to write
the title.
Note 2: While I'm shamelessly shilling
for the gods of comedy: "2030:
The Real Story of What Happens to America"
by Albert Brooks.
Note 3: White supremacy-championing,
Hitler-excusing, Mexican soccer-hating, Palin-promoting,
homophobic blowhard Pat
vow to spout total gibberish over the public airwaves
as long as our
boys were in Afghanistan has, sadly, been cut short
by the feminazi bean-counters at MSNBC who today
gave him his walking papers and, presumably, a map
to the Fox News human resource department.
Note 4: 25% of the world's prison
population are American citizens. We're locked
away in record numbers for the benefit of corporations,
as their slaves for pittances. Decriminalize drug
laws now.
Note 5: Speaking of which, Portugal decriminalized
drugs in 2007 and the results have been a resounding
And now our Chart of the
Value of high flavanol-containing foods. (This
is why you need to eat your chocolate... or
plums dipped in chocolate.)

Click for marginally enhanced version.
Republican Job Creation Update
2-17-2012: The
House will presumably vote on and pass the payroll
tax extension today. Then they'll leave town for
ten days in order to celebrate Presidents Day. Cushy
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