Never Than Late.
to the Bible, Jesus, as we in the western hemisphere
affectionately call him, was born the son of god.
Everyone apparently was in on this as those damn angels
shut up about
it. They even
blabbed to the freaking shepherds, and you have to
go pretty far down the media food chain before you
reach the guys sodomizing your dinner.
Eventually a group of kings showed up, yadda-yadda-yadda,
and then afterwards Jesus sort of vanished.
Think about that.
People back then are about the same as people nowadays
as they're always looking for a piece of the action,
and Jesus, better known as "Jerusalem's God Boy",
would have been
a pop-culture sensation. He would have
been the star of
his own bear-baiting show, a line of humus would be
named after him, and he'd have had a special entrance
at Dreidels "R" Us.
But, no, the guy basically disappears from history
for 30 years and shows up later staking his celestial
if indeed
it really was him. After all, they
didn't have photo ID back in 3 BC. (Poor Jesus. He
couldn't vote in Texas.) He could have been anyone,
maybe even one of the disciples angling
some merchandise
The devout seem to have no problem
with this huge gap in his background, but at least
he didn't show up dragging a wife and kids behind him.
Can you imagine the absurd levels of competition that
would have ensued as self-aggrandizing hypocrites vied
for the title of
"most-descended"? One Pope's bad enough without
hundreds of charlatans claiming Jesus as their great-great-very-great grand-pappy.
All I know is
if some guy came into my office looking for a job and
his resume' was blank for thirty years he wouldn't
be the first in line for COO, much less savior of the
Note 1: Monsanto's genetically-modifed
foods are not
served to company employees.
Note 2: The February
7th edition of the comic strip
Dilbert had the following punch line: "That fucking
asshole ruined our email." I stand in unabashed
Note 3: Louisiana Republican congressman John
Fleming thinks that
the Onion's "Abortionplex" is real.
Note 4: "I would challenge anyone
here to think of a question upon which we once had
a scientific answer,
however inadequate, but for which now the best answer
is a religious one." - Sam Harris
Note 5: Officially the stupidest place in America
is Jackson
County, Alabama.
And now our Chart of the Day:
Monthly charge in nonfarm employment.

Click here for the modestly larger version.
Republican Job Creation Update
2-8-2012: The
consistent upward trend in employment
numbers would seem to be an excellent time for the
GOP to bathe in glory as shepherds of
the economy. But even though they've done absolutely
nothing to increase employment for
all they can do is grumble that "More should be done".
For once, they're right.
Dump Fox News
where is the first place that
disgraced Karen
Handel showed up after her resignation from
the Komen Foundation? Yup, Fox News. What a surprise.
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Fox from your cable system.