can do research on just about everything these days,
so it's not surprising that a study was done to see
have read the entire Bible.
The result? Less than 10%.
They really needed to do an associated study
asking how many atheists have read the Bible because,
frankly, that's one of the first steps towards losing
your faith. Once
you've actually read that thing, and I did many years
ago out of morbid curiosity,
you can't come away with much besides a massive WTF
As for our dear Congressmen, it's pretty clear that
the Republican Party only scans the Glover Norquist
Notes Edition of the Bible,
the one which has Jesus coming back armed with TOW
missiles so that he can personally take out all those
Parenthood locations and NPR stations.
There may be
a Democratic legislator or two with a sincere interest
in the Bible but, let's face it, anyone who sincerely
accepts the Bible as God's word could never be a politician. Having
to lie about everything is a clue. (This
is why we need to vote for atheists for public
office. They may be liars and cheats as well but
at least they're not religious hypocrites about
As for the PATRIOT Ac (Yes, it really IS 7000 pages
long) this sucker was written by Neocons hungry to
shutter our
long before 9-11. The Act was foisted on a Congress,
deep in a defensive crouch, on very short notice and
was not available to read or study before it was voted
Yes, our Congress was not allowed to read it in
its entirely before it was voted on. Why it passed
is a fine example of how gutless a legislator can
be when the American populace is fed a steady diet
of fear, uncertainty, and doubt after a national tragedy.
Doubly troubling when the administration itself was
to blame for the failure.
We obviously don't need this abomination as not one
person, acting in a purely terrorist fashion, has been
jailed as a result of the PATRIOT Act. Although a
woman once was convicted under the act for spanking
a child and a tenth-grader for making a lousy
I am not kidding.
The only thing the Act is good for is so that the government
can keep the sheep in line. Call your congressman.
Repeal this damned thing.
newspapers have chosen to censor or remove this week's Doonesbury cartoon
from the comics pages as it had the audacity to satirize
the new and onerous abortion
laws being rammed down our throats by overzealous
Republicans nimrods.
you haven't seen the comics yet here are all
Note 1: Remember all those killing
sprees atheists are famous for? Me neither. Yes, this
is another tragic tale of a religious
fanatic taking
god into his own hands and offing an unbeliever for
Note 2: Kid gets arrested for a
small amount of pot. Subsequently dies
in his jail cell. Guards blame his death on "innocent
horseplay". Whoopsies! The
same guards also believe that the general public
is composed of morons who can't
put two and two together.
Note 3: Vigilante guns
down a 14-year-old
named Trayvon
Martin in a gated community because he "looked
suspicious". Police
decide not to arrest the shooter. Tell me again why
giving guns to every idiot who thinks he's Dirty
Harry is a good idea?
Note 4: It's amazing that at the
same time the human race is practicing world-wide
hari-kari on its environment scientists are still
discovering new
human species.
Note 5: Speaking of religious statistics.
Note 6: Say "Hello!" to Rick
And now our Chart of the
Day: Bills
enacted in the first year of Congress.

Historical note: In 1995 the Republicans
took the House and proceeded to do... nothing. In
2011 the Republicans took the House and proceeded
to do....
nothing. That's our little GOP.
Republican Job Creation Update
3-16-2012: The
House is in recess until
Tuesday, the 20th of March.
View the entire two-year list of non-job-related
House activities
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