Much For Car 54.
saw the movie version of Clockwork Orange when
it was first released in these United States and, I
the ghastly
scenes of police brutality didn't bother me all that
much. That's
because (A) it was in the future, (B) they were
just a bunch of stupid foreigners, and (C) it was kid
stuff compared to the mayhem the old man could unleash
once he had a few snorts under his belt.
But here we are, 21st century America, being served
and protected by those who'd rather eat the sheep than
kill the wolves, at least judging by the plethora
of youtube videos. Thanks to the wars on drugs and
terror the police have come to learn that
there's a law
against everything in this country and they're
not shy about taking advantage of the opportunity to
break a few uncooperative skulls.
America's gendarmes have gone from "You do something
wrong, we'll catch you" to "We're gonna lock you up
and pin
on you."
That is, if they don't shoot you for resisting first.
I don't recall ever giving the police the literal power
death over
the general populace but someone did and they need
to be tased and sent to their rooms.
Can this genie be put back in its bottle? Can we ever
depend on an officer of the law to not automatically
mace us into unconsciousness just because they had
an argument
the wife at breakfast? I dunno, but it doesn't hurt
to ask.
And lest you think I'm being too harsh on America's
constabulary, take a peek at the video in Mike's Vault
(See below). This
is a segment from a movie called "The
Largest Street Gang In America" and it'll make
your patriotic blood boil. (From what I've been told,
the people
asking for the complaint forms in the video are ex-cops
Note 1: Here's an amusing tale by
magician Penn
Jillette and how he handled an over-zealous
airport security guard.
Note 2: The Economist relates a
story of how one community in America is choosing
a different
path in the War On drugs Stupidity.
Note 3: Looking for a good source
for reports of police brutality in these here United
States? Check out
Note 4: Singer Miley Cyruss tweets
a wonderful quote by theoretical physicist
Krauss and the fundies start flipping their
Note 5: There's a minor trend in
wise-guys intentionally prepping themselves for
hideous driver's
license photos. I, for one, applaud the effort.
And now our Chart of the
Police Brutality in the United States.

here for somewhat more massive version.
Republican Job Creation Update
3-2-2012: Yesterday
the House spent most of the day debating and passing
the San Joaquin Valley Water Reliability Act.
in the Senate, Democrats, plus Olympia Snowe, fended
off the execrable Blunt Amendment. Meanwhile, Speaker
Boehner vows to continue contraception
fight. Because
it's all about jobs.
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