The Hook
you know what the term "sustainable fish stocks" means?
It means we've failed as caretakers of this Earth.
It's a nice way of saying "We've eaten everything
in the pantry and now we're eyeing the seed corn. Maybe
we better tie ourselves to this fence-post until someone
who doesn't have a screwdriver jabbed into their forehead
comes along and gives us better advice."
"Sustainable" is another way of saying "desperation".
It does not mean, in this case, "Hey, we figured
it out! Eat all the fish you want! The buffet is open!"
For example, you know that yummy tilapia that's popping
up on menus and in your local
grocery stores? They raise them on sewage. Tilapia
are bottom
and they LOVE that stuff. That's sustainable fish stocks,
folks. (Yes, there are fisheries that raise tilapia
on grains and ground animal carcasses but that's also
an environmental horror-show.)
But you're a smart consumer and you know better than
to eat that stuff, except Consumer Report discovered
that over 20% of seafood
is mislabeled.
I know fish are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids
but you also can get that in flax
seeds, walnuts, and
soybeans. In fact, flax seeds are slopping over with
the stuff, delivering over four times as much omega-3
at almost half the calories of salmon. Put a tablespoon
in your cereal and you're set for the day.
The irony here is that people turn to fish to heal
the damage done to their bodies by eating meat. The
answer is to eat less meat. Or none at all.
Note 1: More people visited Mr. Obama's
campaign website than all four Republican presidential
candidates combined. Hmmm, now what might THAT portend?
Note 2: Thanks to Mitt "Flip-Flop"
Romney, Etch-A-Sketch sales are up 1550% at Amazon.
Note 3: Over 500 Appalachian
mountain peaks are gone forever, 2,000 miles
of streams have been eliminated, and over
140 billion
gallons of coal slurry is currently being held in
storage ponds. More solar power, please.
Note 4: Fox News' propaganda about
"Obamacare" scared an older woman so badly that she
died rather than go to a hospital after she'd
injured herself in a fall. Fox News is officially
a murderer. (This, of course, includes
of thousands
of Iraqi men, women, and children who died as a result
of Fox's cheerleading for that useless invasion.)
Note 5: It seems that there was
a lot of early Xtian literature that didn't make
the final Biblical cut. One of these is the Infancy
Gospel of Thomas, in which Jesus is sort of murderous
Note 6: Say "Hello!" to Rick
And now our Chart of the
Day: What
proportion of coverage blamed Mr. Obama for rising
gas prices?

available here.
Republican Job Creation Update
3-23-2012: For
the past two days the House has been debating
H.R. 5, the "HEALTH" bill, which is actually about
tort reform. No jobs were created.
View the entire two-year list of non-job-related
House activities
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