Green Machine
for two religious cartoons in a row but I recently
read several articles about law
enforcement corruption,
legalization, and African-American
incarceration rates that intertwine in the most
insidious fashion. The root of their putrifaction is
twisted in the roots
Biblical morality.
We're living in a country where our government
has arbitrarily criminalized hemp, initially
to benefit the Dupont Corporation, but is now using
it as a tool to incarcerate and disenfranchise vast
of Americans, primarily the
African-American population, and to slowly slash away
at the Bill of
Rights to fight
a pointless war on drugs in general.
Corporations (pharamceuticals,
alcohol, cigarettes, take your pick) unhappy with a
consumer product which, unlike alcohol or cigarettes,
can be easily grown in the back yard are lobbying frantically
keep it
illegal, with the meat of their efforts resulting in
massive financial kickbacks to entice police departments
to keep the arrest yield up, even if it means convicting
the innocent.
Most Americans aren't interested in viewing
this controversy from a logical position because they're
steeped in Biblical vindictiveness,
redemption, therefore the majority opinion is that
people who use recreational drugs deserve
to rot in
if you're
enough to afford the best lawyers that's never a problem.
Right, Mr. Limbaugh?
The drug war is the new
Jim Crow, the police are drunk on power, and marijuana's
foes are getting rich
from lobbying.
Because the government relies on the Tenth Amendment
to control marijuana's distribution what we, the people,
must do is pass an Amendment to the Constitution that
Constitutionally illegal. Yes,
That will then give us the opportunity to pass another
Amendment which makes it legal. Just like alcohol.
The cool part is that we could fight for both Amendments
at the same time. Criminalize it.
Decriminalize it. All in one afternoon in Washington,
It's a plant, people. It's only a plant. Come to your
senses. Decriminalize it.
Final note: I don't smoke anything. Never have. (If
I get cancer, then I'll probably try it.) I'm just
sick and tired of seeing marijuana used as excuse to
decapitate the civil rights of Americans.)
Note 1: Rush
Limbaugh has now lost
50 advertisers and reduced to playing dead air during
his commercial breaks.
Note 2: Republican Senator Lisa
Murkowski voted for the Blunt-Rubio, then got an
earful from her constituents. Now she regrets
her vote. Way to keep that nose to the wind,
Note 3: According to NASA, in two
years human space exploration will takes its biggest
leap in four decades with the arrival of the impressivd
new Orion
launch system.
Note 4: Forbes Magazine offers 218
reasons to re-elect President Obama. Read the
list and try and think of five good reasons to have
voted for George "Fucking" Bush in 2004.
Note 5: Brazil rejected austerity
economics, now they're the sixth-biggest
economy in the world. Number five is the UK, deep in its
austerity cups, and is about to be overtaken by Brazil. Samba-riffic!
Note 6: And, just for good measure, Rick
And now our Chart of the
Day: Mitt
Romney's favorability. (Doesn't look good for Mittens.)

here for an immensely larger version.
Republican Job Creation Update
3-9-2012: The
House spent all day Thursday debating H.R. 3606,
the "Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act".
is better known
as the "Reopening American Capital Markets
to Emerging Growth Companies Act". What it actually
is, is a financial market deregulation bill. What
it REALLY is, is a fake jobs bill.
View the entire two-year list of non-job-related
House activities
Dump Fox News
2008 Fox News thought the Chevy
Volt was a great
idea. Then Obama got elected. Guess what the little
bastards think now? Uh-huh.
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