Now The News...
groups that champion the right of women to control
their reproductive rights are called "pro-choice" groups.
Clever, but wimpy. Way too wimpy.
We need to rebrand the organization so that
its name makes the kind of statement that will make
people sit up and take notice when it makes the news.
For example, imagine how much fun it'll be to hear
some Fox News bimbo announce that "Women Tired of Conservative
Bullshit" have pledged to fight abortion restrictions
in Florida and Utah.
For now, let's just change "abortion" to "standing
your ground" just to confuse those who think it's
their god-given right to kill whoever they want, whenever
they want.
PS, as for abortion itself my opinion is that every
woman should be able to terminate her pregnancy as
she sees
fit. And until every pro-lifer control freak makes
every attempt to fertilize the egg EVERY time
they have sex
they need to very kindly shut the fuck up about what
other people do with their bodies.
Note 1: States with "abstinence-only"
sex education have higher teen
pregnancy rates. Gosh,
Note 2: The TSA, which is a bloated
monster of a program that doesn't really work,
gets $4 billion more of our tax-dollars than space
here to remind the White House how wrong that
Note 3: A four-year-old Mensa
genius with an
IQ of 159. That's impressive!
Note 4: A measly little $200 drug
transaction can
cost tax-payers $100,000. Madness.
Note 5: The North Carolina legislature
is sponsoring an amendment to their state constitution
gay marriage. Funny how the ministers think
Note 6: And kudos to Joe Muto, the
now suddenly infamous
mole, for giving us all a quick peek inside the
Fox dungeon. It cost him his job but renewed his
soul. Great job, Joe, and good luck to you.
And now our Chart of the
Day: Services
provided by Planned Parenthood (Note: Abortion services
amount to only 3%.)

Click here for larger version of chart.
Republican Job Creation Update
4-13-2012: The
House has scheduled nothing but a series of
hearings for the remainder of April. No jobs will
be created. Screw you John Boehner and Mitch McConnell.
Fox News Lies. Dump
Fox News
Romney lies about women's
job losses but Fox News
is happy as a clam to spread his insidious gospel.
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