Cool. Cool-cool-cool!
is famous for being a two-season state. We endure winter
for a few weeks then it's back to warmer weather again.
Even though this spring has been remarkably mild by
local standards I couldn't
but notice that the neighbor's A/C
began kicking on
in mid-March.
Not at my house, though. I LOVE being able to open
all the windows and air out the house as deep into
the summer
as possible.
I only resort to hermetically sealing the joint and
cranking up the A/C when the temps hit the mid-90s
and the humidity goes off the charts.
But there are days, like today, when the temps nudge
90 and the house gets stuffy late in the afternoon,
aided in no small part by a massive Mac Pro Tower that
puts out so much heat it effectively warms my office
in winter. This stuffiness is an inconvenience I've
always have
to endure. Or
used to, that is.
After twenty-five plus years in this house I finally
had the bright idea of installing a small fan in the
panel in the main hallway. Even on a low speed setting
the difference has been startling as any hot air lingering
against the ceiling is now gone, replaced by cooler
air drifting in through the windows.
Where I used to fight the heat with a series of fans
to aid evaporation now I'm simply getting
rid of the heat itself. The number of times I've asked
"Why didn't I think of this before?" would be depressing
if I wasn't smiling so much.
And my electric bill last month? $40. I can live with
Notes, Notes, and More Notes.
Liar Alert: Ten
pithy comments that Romney's
opponents said about him on the campaign trail.
Sleaze: Michigan "Democrat" Roy Schmidt pulls the ultimate dick move
by changing parties ten minutes before the registration deadline. Oh, and it
gets worse than
Slaughter: Israeli squatters shoot
innocent Palestinians and steal their land as Israeli
army stands
The Movies: Adjusted
for inflation the #3 all-time
movie in terms of domestic gross is... The Sound
of Music. #11 is a Disney animation... 101
Color me surprised.
Heresy: There are diners who
actually give
these in lieu of real tips. Fuck
those people with fire.
Humor: "I always thought
the brain was the most important organ. But then
I asked myself 'Who's telling me this?'" -
And now our Chart of the Day: Annualized
Growth in Federal spending

Big honkin' editorialized version
Republican Job Creation Update
5-23-2012: Say
it with me now: "The House is in recess this week.
Must be nice to have so many vacations. Oh, how I
hate those indolent GOP swine."
For the full 2001-2012 list of Republican sloth please
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