aftermath of Adam and Eve's eviction from the Garden
of Eden, accoutered in a lovely hand-crafted animal-skin
trousseau provided
by the
Mighty All-Father of Beverly Hills himself, must have
been tumultuous for the remaining animals all
safe and snug behind the
cherubim-protected gates.
One minute they're all the best of pals,
sharing a lunch of black bean burritos and a banana
(Bananas! They fit right in your hand! Just like God
planned!) and the next instant about ten percent of
the critters get a funny look in their eyes and begin
lining up the nearest available throats in their canine
Yeah, no pension or anything for the herbivores, sort
of like being taken over by Bain Capital. God made
for opening
the slaughterhouse
gates somewhat by introducing the Reproductive Option
but I'm not
getting one's freak on quite takes the sting out of
suddenly being put on the menu and thereupon reduced
to your components parts ... alive.
Biblically speaking, I'm not sure what the ensuing
metazoan holocaust had to do with two rather unremarkable
from the wrong metaphorical plant
but it's a charming side of the fundamentalist myth
that should be shared with one's children, oh, about
the time they start sleeping alone. It will give them
such pleasant dreams.
Notes, Notes, and More Notes.
Lies: Mitt Romney just described
himself as a small
business man. Surrrrrrrrre he was.
Paranoia: Hey, let's all go get the cocaine and heroin in el Paso! (Oops!
That phrase includes a few of the 374
words the U.S. government monitors. Dopey
Science: Ancient
civilizations may
have collapsed due to climate change.
Heresy: Here's a picture
of me from when I was very, very young.
Humor: “Liberty University teaches
that the Earth is 5,000 years old, and dinosaur
washed up in Noah’s flood. This is a school
you flunk out of when you get the answers right.” – Bill
And now our Chart of the Day: Comparison
of Small-Dollar Donors between Obama, Romney, and Paul.

Much larger version here.
Republican Job Creation Update
5-30-2012: The
House took an extra day off and so they'll be
back in session on Wednesday, then they'll skip town
those poor,
For the full 2001-2012 list of Republican sloth please
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