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Boy Scouts of America reaffirmed their position as
homophobic nitwits by continuing to ban homosexuals. On
the plus side, if you're a Boy Scout AND a member of
you eat free at Chik-Fil-A... but only on Sundays.
A young friend of mine is moving into
a new home. I told her she should paint the walls of
her bedroom
the same color as her dark skin so she could stand
against it and hide in plain
She reminded me that the walls were already the same
color as me, beige, and that I should shut the fuck
up. Point taken.
Speaking of the body's largest organ, if we didn't
have skin how would we decide who to hate? Let's start
with Dick Cheney and see how that works.
For some time now I've been crossing
out the word "God" in the phrase "In God We Trust"
on my folding money,
especially the larger denominations. However, I've
been recently informed that these bills are removed
from circulation once they reach
the bank.
Bummer. For that
I'm now touching the word "God" with my weiner. Think
about that.
No one expects the Polish Inquisition.
Fluoride in the water? Communist plot. Flammable fracking
chemicals in the water? Good for the economy.
I wonder if rocks have nightmares
about being wrapped in paper?
Hey, Hollywood moguls! If you're really
worried about people pirating DVDs, stop selling them.
"God helps those that help themselves"
is not a real Bible verse.
What other Bible verses sound real, but aren't? (Answer:
All of them.)
This is what a Japanese newscast
about gun
deaths sounds like: "And now, here's Haruto
with the weather."
"What doesn't kill you makes
you stronger." Not
only does that phrase also apply to viruses but
it's apparently Monsanto's new mission
I'm putting a spoiler on my car.
It says "Rosebud was the sled."
Finally, in a surprise move the Republican National
Committee has nominated Attila the Hun as their presidential
candidate as Mitt Romney's vulture capitalism was deemed
not rapey or pillagey enough.

(To spare you right-wing nincompoopery
all comments are moderated.)
Oh, that Mitt.
you imagine the result if Ronald Reagan had lost
California, his home state, by twenty points
in 1980? Well,
Mitt is currently losing
Massachusetts by 20 points. Yes, the people who
know him best like him the least.
What if Mitt is hiding his tax returns
because he paid NO taxes in 2009?
Green makes a good case for that argument.
Speaking of taxes, Mittens claimed that he didn't have
to release his tax returns (and I'm paraphrasing) "because John Kerry's
wife didn't have to." Uh-huh.
Holy crap! Is Mittens REALLY trying
to tar Obama with the brush of crony
capitalism? Mitt might
just as well criticize the president for being a
And the Romney Lie of the Day is when he quoted the
president as saying "If you’ve got a business—you
didn’t build that. Somebody else made that
happen." It sounds bad but Mitt just happened to
leave off the preceding sentence, which goes: "Somebody
invested in roads and bridges. "
Mitt Romney. Classless act.
Video Time!
I'm not sure, it's hard to tell, you'll have to listen closely, but
I think Mitt Romney says in this video that he would have let the American
auto industry go bankrupt.
President Obama's Top 50 Accomplishments
Number 20: Increased Support
for Veterans
so many soldiers coming home from Iraq and Iran with
serious physical and mental health problems, yet facing
long waits for services, increased 2010 Department of
Veterans Affairs budget by 16 percent and 2011 budget
by 10 percent. Also signed new GI bill offering $78 billion
in tuition assistance over a decade, and provided multiple
tax credits to encourage businesses to hire veterans.
For the full list of his 50 finest achievements read the Washington
Monthly story.
now our Chart of the Day:
Top 1% Share of Total Pre-Tax Income 1913-2007

Larger version
of the chart here.
Republican Job Creation Update
7-18-2012: The
House was in recess on Monday the 16th. On the 17th it passed both a
Department of State appropriations bill and the Insular Areas Act
of 2011. (Insular areas are, generally speaking, small islands which
the U.S. claims for itself.)
For the full 2001-2012 list of Republican sloth please visit
Fox News Lies.
Dump Fox News
to Fox News, young people support president
Obama because "They
don't know anything." Further
proof that the only people watching Fox
News are old people and their parents.
Click here to help Drop
Fox from your cable system.
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Dueling Prophets
The people will thirst and hunger but god will hear their
pleas and send unto them a messiah who shall rise from
the West.
Be not deceived, my friends, for the savior shall appear
out of the East.
And he shall raise up great armies before him and marshall
them against those who have persecuted his people.
Nay! The chosen one shall come with a dove in one hand
and an olive branch in the other.
Mighty cities will fall at the command of the deliverer
and he will dance among their ruins in triumph.
Not so! The redeemer will lead his people to the land of
milk, and of honey.
Then he shall lift high his sword of many blades, and he
shall slay the sons of David.
Godwin's Law!