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Abort! Abort!
you're an older gentleman and you're keen on bouncing
a grandchild on two on your knee before you
reach the chapter of life where more of your oatmeal
drools into your lap than slides down your gullet.
Sadly, your sons are infertile so it looks like you'll
have to pony up some serious dough to get your boys
some of that good old in vitro fertilization.
However, before the first ovum is harvested a new law
is enacted which prevents any sort of artificial insemination,
and so your dream of genetic immortality withers to
dust. There's nothing you can do but return to your
business and pour yourself into the mindless tedium
of your vocation.
Eventually you find yourself in need of a new employee,
one who will fill a key position. After weeks of searching
you find the perfect man for the job, and no other
will do. But in the process of a simple background
check you discover that this is the very man responsible
for the law that doomed you to looking forlornly over
the fence into the green fields of Grandpahood.
Do you hire him, or do you rip his guts out with your
bare hands?
Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney's choice for vice-president,
has co-sponsored two bills that would have made it
a crime to employ in vitro. I wonder how Mr. Romney's
choice for veep might have been different had Mr. Ryan
been able to pass his bill before Mr. Romney was blessed
with grandchildren.
The irony here is that Mr. Romney owes the existence
of his grandchildren to the Democrats as it was they
who kept the odious bill off the floor of the House.
Of course in real life Mittens would simply pack his
daughters-in-law off to an expensive Swiss fertility
clinic and would thus get all the grandkids he can
handle. Such loopholes are made for the wealthy.
Oh, and in case you're wondering, I'd rip his guts
out. Mitt, of course, hired him.
(Note: Sorry for the delay in today's
'toon. We had a massive power outage due to an electrical
storm JUST as I was getting
ready to upload everything. =Mike=)
more time...
Are you registered to vote? Are you sure? Let me ask
that again...
If not 100% then go here and find your state.

(To spare you right-wing nincompoopery
all comments are moderated.)
That Mitt.
seems that Mittens may have broken campaign
fundraising laws during his recent trip abroad.
If this is correct, and it certainly seems so, why
hasn't he been disqualified?
Romney's right-to-life intentions
are all over the place, but this is certain -- Not
include abortion services (see chart below)
but Bain Capital invested $75 million in a company
called Stericycle which,
among many other services, disposes
of aborted
fetuses. So not only did Mitt sign a health care
bill that offers termination services, he also profited
off them.
The Romney lads are in Las Vegas,
no doubt on bended knee kissing the sainted toenails
of gambling tycoon
Adelson, in an attempt to rustle up a few
million more advertising bucks. However, they're
not allowing the press in to witness this shindig
because it's
a not a
fundraising event, it's a "finance event". See the
Paul Ryan speaks at a public event at the Iowa State
Fair and doesn't appreciate the two ladies in the
front row. When he calls the gendarmes and says
"these ladies" it sounds almost exactly like "Release
President Obama's Top 50 Accomplishments
Number 26: Improved
Food Safety System
2011, signed FDA Food Safety Modernization Act, which
boosts the Food and Drug Administration’s budget
by $1.4 billion and expands its regulatory responsibilities
to include increasing number of food inspections, issuing
direct food recalls, and reviewing the current food safety
practices of countries importing products into America.
For the full list of his 50 finest achievements read the Washington
Monthly story.
now our Chart of the Day:
Romneycare vs. Obamacare. Emphasis on abortion

Much larger version of chart here.
Republican Job Creation Update
is in recess until early September. No jobs are being created, no farms
are being saved.
For the full 2001-2012 list of Republican sloth please visit
Fox News Lies.
Dump Fox News
Fuck! Fox
News is comparing Paul Ryan to Ronald
but not in the way that emphasize their penchant
for ballooning federal deficits.
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Fox from your cable system.
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Today's Google
Paul Ryan: "You, Mitt Romney, have six grandchildren born
through in vitro fertilization! But I, Paul Ryan, America’s
moral shepherd, insist that this sinful process be criminalized!
So, for the good of the ticket, I'm sending these six kids
back where they came from! And don't do it again!"
Mitt Romney: "Apparently our vetting system still
has a few bugs in it."