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picky, picky.
those wavering on their presidential pick here's a
handy, and only slightly hyperbolic, guide to Mitt
Romney's view of the world:
Corporations are people.
47 percent of Americans, including veterans, seniors
and the disabled, are moochers.
Middle income of Americans is $200,000 - $250,000.
The middle class should pay a higher tax rate than
the rich.
The Israeli-Palestinian peace process is hopeless.
We must scrap Medicare in favor of health care coupons.
We should send the uninsured to already-crowded emergency
Make students borrow whatever money they need for college
from their parents.
Add trillions to the deficit by giving even more tax
cuts to the wealthy.
Commercial aircraft should have roll-down windows.
We should remain dependent on dirty energy for the
foreseeable future.
Get ready for a holy war with Iran.
It's possible that not everyone has
yet heard the phrase "Born on third. Thinks he
hit a triple."
You're welcome.
you be voting absentee this November but don't know
what to do about it?
Then check out the Long
Distance Voter. Not only can
you register to vote, and verify your registration,
you can also request an absentee ballot.

(To spare you right-wing nincompoopery
all comments are moderated.)
That Mitt.
Iowa over 100,000
Democrats have requested early
voting ballots.
Republicans, only 18,000.
Mitt Romney- "I
Used To Think That Becoming Rich And Famous Would
Make Me Happy, Boy Was I Right!"
Not only is Mittens baffled about
why planes don't have roll-down
windows he also thinks the mystery
of cold
fusion has been solved.
The Romney campaign has put out
many misleading ads about President Obama but they've
claimed to have
fixed them. Unfortunately, they
can't name any of them.
The dark secret about Mitt's tax returns is possibly
that he was part of the tax
amnesty deal. In other
words, it's hard to convince people to vote for you
when you've agreed to a plea bargain.
Quote For The Day
"I used to think that Mitt Romney being discredited and ridiculed would
make me happy. And I was right. " — a tweet from LOLGOP
Today's video: Mittens
tries to lead a chant today. Bad idea.
President Obama's Top 50 Accomplishments
Number 7: Turned Around U.S.
Auto Industry
2009, injected $62 billion in federal money (on
top of $13.4 billion in loans from the Bush administration)
into ailing GM and Chrysler in return for equity
stakes and agreements for massive restructuring.
Since bottoming out in 2009, the auto industry
has added more than 100,000 jobs. In 2011, the
Big Three automakers all gained market share for
the first time in two decades. The government expects
to lose $16 billion of its investment, less if
the price of the GM stock it still owns increases.
-------------------- And
now our Chart of the Day:
What does Mitt Romney have in common with
The Penguin? A silly venn diagram.

considerably more legible, version of chart here.
Republican Job Creation Update
House took the day off. No jobs were created.
9-25-12: The House played a little game called "Hmm,
I wonder what they're doing in the Senate today?" Otherwise, bupkis.
No jobs were created.
For the full 2001-2012 list of Republican sloth please visit
Fox News Lies.
Dump Fox News
agree that 93 percent of Fox News climate change
coverge is "staggeringly
misleading". That's
a lot.
Click here to help Drop
Fox from your cable system.
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Today's Google
Mitt Romney's earliest known baby picture.