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Moyers recently
interviewed Pulitzer Prize-winning author David Clay
Johnston who made the following eye-opening claim:
"And let me give you one killer figure:
We spend so much money on our health care in this country — or
as I prefer to think of it, 'sick care' in this country — that
for every dollar that the other 33 modern economies
spend for universal coverage, we spend $2.64. And this
is done using something called “purchasing parity
dollars,” so they’re truly comparable.
So we spend $2.64 per person and still have almost
50 million people with no coverage and 30 million with
limited coverage, and these other countries spend far
less with universal coverage.
Here’s how much that costs: In the year 2010,
if we had had the French health care system, which
is one of the most expensive in the world, it would
have provided universal coverage and it also would
have saved us so much money that we could have eliminated
the individual income tax that year and all else would
have been equal. Our excess health care costs above
those of the French were a little over 6 percent of
the economy and the income tax in 2010 brought in about
6 percent of the economy."
like to apologize to the creators of South Park for
lifting the central image of today's 'toon from
their latest
episode, even though their version had
a local cable company similarly
auto-frottaging their nipples
instead of smug, self-satisfied tools of oligarchs.
PS: So many people read and shared
my last 'toon, about the difference between fundamentalism
and secularism, that it
broke my server's log files. So, thanks for sharing
and caring! And feel free to break that lil' sumbitch
whenever you want.
(To spare you right-wingnuttery
all comments are moderated.)
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of progressive nosh:
Dailykos • Crooks
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Progress • Talking
Points Memo
Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
GOP elephant rubbing its nipples.
osh! Millions aren't working, children are growing
hungry, food isn't being inspected, all due to the
shutdown. And if the debt ceiling isn't raised we'll
have a world recession. Let's all hope that the President
doesn't fail us.
